May 24, 2005

Cold War II - Uzbekistan the new front

Laer of Cheat-Seeking Missiles explains his view of what he terms "the new Cold War".

An excerpt---

Here are the players in the new Cold War:
    The old Soviet bloc, now known at least temporarily as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The Bear and the Dragon are working together as the pro-authoritarian bloc, and Uzbekistan and other old-school dictatorships are allying with them.

    GUUAM, the Georgia-Ukraine-Azerbaijan-Moldova alliance, which probably won't be a big player, but as a force for democracy could pressure Russia to be more moderate, weakening the SCO.

    The US and its democratic allies, which sometimes may appear as a one- or two-man show, but if the Cold War heats up in ways that threaten other democracies, the make-up of this group could change quickly and dramatically. New Europe will be particularly sensitive in this manner.

    The Islamofascists, who won't ally significantly with any of the "infidel" factions, except to get weapons or money.

Continue reading about this fascinating geo-political conflict in the making...

Posted by Kyer at May 24, 2005 08:51 PM
