August 09, 2004

Irresponsible mother causes gun manufacturer bankruptcy

Because this woman was careless with gun safety and proper storage... an entire gun manufacturing outfit is out of business after her CHILD filed a lawsuit...

"Maxfield's life-changing injury happened when he was 7 and a 20-year-old family friend who was babysitting thought he heard a suspicious noise and grabbed a gun from a dresser drawer. The babysitter called Brandon's mother, who instructed him to immediately unload the .38-caliber pistol. While trying to do that, the babysitter accidentally pulled the trigger."

What really happened?
Babysitter: "If you don't shut up, I'll give you something cry about!"

"I always wanted to protect my kids and this is something you can't reverse and you can't erase," said Sue Stansberry, Maxfield's mother. "I wish now I had locked it up in a locked case. I didn't do that, and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life."

yet.... the attorney had this to say:
"'It started with horror, the realization that — notwithstanding the fact that we had this unanimous finding of defect — there was nothing in the law to prevent them from putting these defective guns back on the market,' said Ruggieri, who took on Maxfield's case in 2001 when no other lawyers would."

So...which is it? The gun being defective? Or the mother's careless lack of regard for her child's safety, leaving a LOADED PISTOL IN A DRESSER DRAWER? Or is it simply the mother is the one with the defect?

Meanwhile...I'm going to file a suit against the no-name toy-making company based in Thailand for creating a neon-green water pistol that allowed Tommy Nicks to fill it up with lemonade and shoot citric acid in my eye when I was in 4th grade.

My lawyer can kick your lawyer's butt any day. :P

Posted by Kyer at August 9, 2004 11:46 PM
