July 29, 2004

Howie Carr: Truth Seeker

Do you know who I am?

If you want the dirt on "the Real Deal" John Kerry, just check out anything you can Google by Boston journalist (Boston Herald) and radio talk-show host Howie Carr. This award-winning writer/host has been following Kerry's shananigans for decades.

Howie Carr's radio show can be heard weekday afternoons on WRKO-AM 680, WHYN-AM 560, WGAN-AM 560, WEIM-AM 1280 and WXTK-FM 95.1.

Too lazy to search for him? Here is a link to his online columns at the Boston Herald.

John Kerry's daughter just shared a lil' anecdote about how as children, they once joked that Poppa Kerry was 6'4, and 6'6 with the hair. Well, I'd say more like 7'0 with the nose when he looks to the sky (literally the shnozz, or figuratively the Pinocchio beak with the oh-so-many flip-floppin lies.. you know you liked it.) ::walks away ashamed::

Posted by Kyer at July 29, 2004 08:42 PM
