June 04, 2005

State Department releases 2005 Human Trafficking Report

U.S.: 14 Nations Not Stopping Trafficking (link)
By ANNE GEARAN, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON - The United States accused 14 nations Friday of failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade in prostitutes, child sex workers and forced laborers. The countries include Saudi Arabia, Washington's closest Arab ally in the war on terrorism.

Three other U.S. allies in the Middle East — Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar — were newly listed this year as nations that are failing to adequately address trafficking problems. The State Department said the 14 countries could be subject to sanctions if they do not crack down.

As many as 800,000 people are bought and sold across national borders annually or lured to other countries with false promises of work or other benefits, the State Department said in its annual survey of international human trafficking. Most are women and children.

"Trafficking in human beings is nothing less than a modern form of slavery," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said. "The United States has a particular duty to fight this scourge because trafficking in persons is an affront to the principles of human dignity and liberty upon which this nation was founded."

The other countries listed as poor performers in stopping trafficking are: Bolivia, Cambodia, Cuba, Ecuador, Jamaica, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan, Togo and Venezuela.


Saudi Arabia has turned a blind eye to the problem of poor or low-skilled workers brought into the country and exploited or who go there voluntarily but find themselves in "involuntary servitude," the report said.

Saudi employers physically and sexually abuse migrants from South Asia, Africa and other places, withhold pay and travel documents or use migrant children as forced beggars, the report said. Some of the migrants work as domestics in the homes of wealthy Saudis.

"The government of Saudi Arabia does not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so," the 2005 Trafficking in Persons report said.

The report said the Saudis apparently prosecuted only one employer during the period covered by the report, from March 2004 to March 2005.

"We have domestic workers being brought in from many countries into domestic servitude, child beggars, a lot of beatings, reports of beatings and rape," said John R. Miller, the special ambassador for human trafficking.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington had no immediate comment on the report.

No surprises here.

The sad thing is, 8 new nations have been added to the State Dept.'s trafficking blacklist. Four nations are Arab allied nations---Pakistan has since been removed from the list since the last report. The removal of a nation from the list does not by any means indicate the practice of human trafficking has been eliminated, rather, it means the country of interest has made significant efforts to address the issue and/or much progress has been made thus far since the last report.

The State Department has released the 2005 (June) Trafficking in Persons Report. (Note: Report is a 258 pg. PDF File)

Later this month, the Justice Department is expected to release its own report.

Posted by Kyer at June 4, 2005 01:38 AM
