December 10, 2004

Kerik removes name from consideration for top DHS job

From the AP:

[...] Kerik said the problematic issue arose as he was completing documents required for Senate confirmation. "I uncovered information that now leads me to question the immigration status of a person who had been in my employ as a housekeeper and nanny. It has also been brought to my attention that for a period of time during such employment required tax payments and related filings had not been made."

Kerik said he feared that the disclosure of the issue would generate intense scrutiny that would "only serve as a significant and unnecessary distraction to the vital efforts of the Department of Homeland Security."

This is definitely a shame. The DHS needed a tough guy to follow a tough act upon Ridge's departure... and Bernard Kerik was really somethin'.

We can only hope Bush doesn't merely promote Asa "what wide-open southern border?" Hutchinson to the top post.

Posted by Kyer at December 10, 2004 11:42 PM
