September 30, 2006

The Tibetan Tiger-skin Trade

Nothing new here.

Tiger-Skin Market in Tibet Flourishing
Published: 9/27/06, 11:05 AM EDT

NEW DELHI (AP) - The tiger population of India will vanish within a handful of years, and governments in India and China have not done enough to stem the rapid decline, environmentalists warned on Wednesday.

Markets for tiger skins and other pelts are flourishing in Chinese-controlled Tibet a year after they were first exposed, said representatives of two environmental agencies who secretly filmed the trade there.

Pictures taken in Tibet and shown at a news conference Wednesday featured dozens of tiger and leopard skins openly on sale, while in others, Chinese police officers laugh and pose with people wearing illegal costumes made of tiger skins.

The groups - the Wildlife Protection Society of India and the international Environmental Investigation Agency, a nonprofit British-based group - laid the blame at the hands of the Indian and Chinese governments for failing to stop the trade.

"In China the police have decided to turn a blind eye to the slaughter of tigers in India," said Belinda Wright, the director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India.

India, meanwhile, has not put together an effective force to combat poaching after 12 years of talking about it, she said.

"It is the politics in India that is killing the tiger, the petty agendas and personal rivalries," she said.

Poaching has caused India's tiger population to drop sharply and seriously threatens the species' survival. The U.S. National Geographic Society estimated in 2001 that only 5,000 to 7,000 Bengal - or Indian - tigers existed in the wild, about half in India.

However, conservationists believe the official estimates of tigers in the wild are grossly exaggerated and that the true figure may be closer to 2,000 - or as little as several hundred.

More information:
5tigers: The Tiger Information Center

Forever Tigers

Save China's Tigers

The Tiger Foundation

Adopt a Tiger

Tiger Link

Tigers in Crisis

Posted by Kyer at 03:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 27, 2006

7-Eleven renewel deal with Citgo a No-Go

7-Eleven Dropping Venezuela-Backed Citgo

Convenience store operator 7-Eleven Inc. is dropping Venezuela-backed Citgo as its gasoline supplier at more than 2,100 locations and switching to its own brand of fuel.

[...] 7-Eleven spokesman Margaret Chabris said that, "Regardless of politics, we sympathize with many Americans' concern over derogatory comments about our country and its leadership recently made by Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez."

Chabris said a boycott of Citgo gasoline would hurt the 4,000 employees of the U.S. subsidiary, who have no connection to Venezuela.

Kudos to 7-Eleven for taking such a responsible move and yes, it is most unfortunate that 4,000 Citgo employees may potentially suffer from the fallout, but...

Posted by Kyer at 01:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Mozart opera in Berlin canceled, Mayor laments dhimmi-attitude

While personally, I find the content of this "artistic production" disgusting, I agree wholeheartedly in principle with the mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit.

Opera Featuring Severed Head Of The Prophet Muhammad Is Canceled

[...] Berlin mayor Klaus Wowereit said the decision to cancel the opera was wrong.

He told The Associated Press, "Our ideas about openness, tolerance and freedom must be lived out on the offensive."

He added, "Voluntary self-limitation gives those who fight against our values a confirmation in advance that we will not stand behind them."

Germany's Islamic Council leader, Ali Kizilkaya, said the opera could offend people, and supported the cancellation.

He added, "Nevertheless, of course I think it is horrible that one has to be afraid... That is not the right way to open dialog."

Of course, I wouldn't expect the same sensitivities extended to offended Christians, Buddhists and... Poseidon worshippers.

Posted by Kyer at 12:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 26, 2006

Very real bears talking on not so very Chinese cell phones

Realismo mágico... as demonstrated by an anthropomorphicized... bear.


Posted by Kyer at 06:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

If Islamofascists can kick it old school... can we.

Aznar defends Pope's remarks:

"Why do we always have to say sorry and they never do?" Aznar told a conference in Washington on "global threats" on Friday. ...

Referring to the Moorish conquest of much of the Iberian Peninsula from the eighth to the 15th century, Aznar said: "It is interesting to note that while a lot of people in the world are asking the Pope to apologise for his speech, I have never heard a Muslim say sorry for having conquered Spain and occupying it for eight centuries."

Aznar, who was the Prime Minister from 1996 to 2004, took Spain into the American-led war in Iraq, against massive public opposition.

Addressing Friday’s conference in Washington on "global threats", Aznar said: "We are living in a time of war ... It’s them or us. The West did not attack Islam, it was they who attacked us."

"We must face up to an Islam that is ambitious, that is radical and that influences the Muslim world, a fundamentalist Islam that we must confront because we don’t have any choice.

"We are constantly under attack and we must defend ourselves," he said.

"I support Ferdinand and Isabella," he proclaimed, in reference to the medieval Catholic monarchs who drove the Moors out of Spain in 1492.

What a great quote.

I've always admired Aznar for standing firm against terorism --- and the 3/11 "ETA did it!" issue aside --- I still cannot believe (OK, so I guess I can) the Spanish voted in Zapatero.

Meanwhile... Patrick supports a "modern infidel ideological reconquista"...

...don't you?

Posted by Kyer at 01:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"It's as if we were in a good place on Sept. 11..."

"When are we going to stop blaming ourselves for the rise of terrorism?"

-- Condoleezza Rice

Good question, Secretary.

And to all of those people who claim we "created the beast that is Bin Ladin" by our supporting his ilk against the Soviets in Afghanistan and then leaving them on the shelf post-haste, remember this: Nobody else put that Qu'ran in Bin Ladin's hands and convinced him to seek and destroy the "Western idolators" but himself.

And while we're at it:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Thank you.

Posted by Kyer at 11:57 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 21, 2006

Ultimate Showdown

Thanks, Muslihoon, I've needed the laugh this week.

The Ultimate Showdown.

Posted by Kyer at 12:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 18, 2006

The "right-wing riots" in Budapest - A non-lesson in young democracy

I wouldn't even know where to start in terms of analyzing one iota of Hungary's politique as I know next to nothing...

(AP) "We screwed up. Not a little, a lot," Gyurcsany was heard saying. "No European country has done something as boneheaded as we have."

The prime minister also told colleagues the government needed to end its duplicitous ways.

"I almost died when for a year and a half we had to pretend we were governing. Instead, we lied morning, evening and night. I don't want to do this anymore," he told his fellow Socialists.

The 45-year-old Gyurcsany, his party's golden boy since he was elected prime minister in late 2002, said the economy had been kept afloat only through "divine providence, the abundance of cash in the world economy and hundreds of tricks."

(Reuters) [...] Protestors shouted "56" in memory of Hungary's failed uprising against Soviet rule in October 1956. Some used flagstones to attack the television building.
...and I don't know how much of a right, if any at all, that I have to make comments on the current political crisis in Hungary being that I am a third-generation American.

But one thing I have to say is this:



1 9 50 #@$&ING 6!!!!!

Update: This guy "Happycrow" explains the situation and who's who. He at least seems to know what he's talking about. Which is more than I can say for myself.

Posted by Kyer at 11:09 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

Who would survive?

Interesting comment from a post over at Patrick's:

Who has a better chance of surving? A Muslim walking into a church on Sunday in some little town in Florida or an American Christian walking into a mosque in Tehran? One of these two people would get cookies and weak coffee and the other one would be on CNN, their body hung from a bridge.

I'll leave it to you to tell me who is who.

Very unique way of framing it...

Posted by Kyer at 03:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Historical Parallels in Whatdaheck?isms & Playground Diplomacy

From those crazy monkeys at...well... Infinite Monkeys... Dave:

In the 1980's, one of my favorite quotes was from Nelba Blandon, of the Nicaragua Interior Ministry:

"They [La Prensa] accused us of suppressing freedom of expression. This was a lie and we could not let them publish it."

This quote from a spokesman for the Pakistani Foreign Ministry Tasnim Aslam seems to be the 2006 version:

"Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence."

Meanwhile, RobbL, another crazy fellow, suggests the world might be a more peaceful place if we would just settle our differences with a simple game of rock/paper/scissors.

Posted by Kyer at 01:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"This is how an Italian (Christian) dies!"

Via Donnah via International Herald Tribune:

NAIROBI, Kenya An elderly nun shot four times at the Somali hospital where she worked forgave her killers as she lay dying, colleagues said Monday in the wake of a murder that has focused attention on Islamic radicalism in the Horn of Africa country.

Sister Leonella, 65, muttered the words 'I forgive, I forgive' in Italian after being shot three times in the back by gunmen in an apparent execution-style killing, father Maloba Wesonga told The Associated Press at the nun's memorial mass in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Monday.

May God rest your soul, Sister.

Posted by Kyer at 10:28 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Healthcare industry, not private sector growth, fueling US economy?

A reader comment from the BusinessWeek Online article, "What's Really Propping Up The Economy?" Lead-in: "Since 2001, the health-care industry has added 1.7 million jobs. The rest of the private sector? None":

We are becoming a nation of invalids. Here is the USA's circle of life. Stuff your face, get fat, smoke, hospital, repeat till you die. Along the way get on disability and suck more money off the system. Everyone is sick. The medical industrial complex makes up more diseases and our government never tells people no. We consume health care and it will bankrupt us. Funny thing, most people aren't sick they are just anxious and depressed.

Scary ER doc St. Louis, MO USA


And this guy is (supposedly) an ER doctor? (The rest of the comments are pretty interesting, too).

Can't say I agree with the numbers (or the whole article, at that) but it's an interesting read, nonetheless.

Posted by Kyer at 12:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 17, 2006

Pope Benedict: "Not my personal thoughts."

"These (words) were in fact a quotation from a Medieval text which do not in any way express my personal thought,"

Pope Benedict XVI

So...What exactly are Joseph Ratzinger's personal thoughts on Islam? If he doesn't truly believe the sentiments quoted from this Medieval text are accurate... does he in turn believe Islam is the Religion of PeaceTM we've known it to be all along?

Please, somebody clarify this for me!

Posted by Kyer at 03:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 12, 2006

"One Arab's Apology"

Via LGF.

Emilio Karim Dabul, in the New York Post: One Arab’s Apology.

September 12, 2006 — WELL, here it is, five years late, but here just the same: an apology from an Arab-American for 9/11. No, I didn’t help organize the killers or contribute in any way to their terrible cause. However, I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing.

The only time I raised my voice in protest against these men who killed thousands of innocents in the name of Allah was behind closed doors, among the safety of friends and family. I did at one point write a very vitriolic essay condemning their actions, but fear of becoming another Salman Rushdie kept me from ever trying to publish it.

Well, I’m sick of saying the truth only in private - that Arabs around the world, including Arab-Americans like myself, need to start holding our own culture accountable for the insane, violent actions that our extremists have perpetrated on the world at large.

Yes, our extremists and our culture.

Every single 9/11 hijacker was Arab and a Muslim. The apologists (including President Bush) tried to reassure us that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam, but was a twisting of a great and noble religion. With all due respect, read the Koran, Mr. President. There’s enough there for someone of extreme tendencies to find their way to a global jihad.

I often wrestle with this notion that President Bush is just another apologist for the "great and noble religion" of Islam.

We've heard mixed messages many times before from the administration.

First, the POTUS will say something along the lines of Islam being a "religion hijacked by extremists" (not a direct quote) but then he'll mention in one of his more recent speeches that these Islamicfascists want to restore the global caliphate.

I favor more emphasis on the second description, however, I believe many people are asking to him to do (rather, say) something that is not quite...well...prudent for a POTUS to say directly.

Is the GWOT a war FOR civilization (as opposed to "between" civilizations)?

Heck, yes.

But it's also less broadly defined as a war between a Christianized (yes, all y'all agnostics, athiests, etc. out there have to recognize this) Western civilization and a... well... barbaric, backwards, UNcivilized Islamic "civilization" (term used loosely).

With all this being said, with however many Muslims of varying degrees of devotion --- moderate, modern, hardcore, whatever --- residing in the States, some of which have no desire to engage in terrorism --- do we honestly want the POTUS to come right out and say, "This is a war against those who follow a hateful, depraved, murderous RELIGION"???

Whether we choose to recognize this possible reality as such, people, there would definitely be repercussions for such outright clarity.

I may be wrong, but I have trouble labeling President Bush as definitive apologist. This isn't a matter of President Bush being needlessly P.C.... As much as I (and many of us) would prefer otherwise, there has to be a balanced restraint, here, I'm afraid.

Posted by Kyer at 04:30 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

"Nonaligned" want more generalized definition of 'terrorism'

Say hello to the new form of moral relativism: Nonaligned want terrorism redefined

HAVANA - Iran, Syria, North Korea and more than 100 other nations are pushing to broaden the world's definition of "terrorism" to include the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

Converging on Fidel Castro's communist Cuba for a summit this week, members of the Nonaligned Movement complain of a double standard: powerful nations like the United States and Israel decide for the world who the terrorists are, but face no punishment for their own acts of aggression.

A draft of the group's joint declaration condemns "terrorism in all its forms," especially violence that targets civilians.

Terrorism should not be associated with any religion or nationality, says the draft. It singles out a favored phrase of President Bush in declaring that member countries "totally reject the use of the term 'axis of evil' by a certain state to target other states under the pretext of combating terrorism."

A Cuban official said sarcastically on Tuesday that the U.S. could one day accuse the entire Nonaligned Movement of supporting terrorism.

"Reading some news reports ... I'm left to believe that the axis of evil is growing," said Abelardo Moreno, Cuba's vice foreign minister. "Soon, the (axis of evil) will be made up of 118 countries."

Terrorism is such a subjective term... y'know? It's a feeling...

Posted by Kyer at 04:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 11, 2006

The desire of Evil...

Osama bin Ladin: "We desire death more than you desire life...."

It's as simple as that.

Posted by Kyer at 09:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

True Heroes

Posted by Kyer at 10:16 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

"We'll go forward from this moment..."

By Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald, September 12, 2001:

We'll go forward from this moment

It's my job to have something to say. They pay me to provide words that help make sense of that which troubles the American soul. But in this moment of airless shock when hot tears sting disbelieving eyes, the only thing I can find to say, the only words that seem to fit, must be addressed to the unknown author of this suffering.

You monster. You beast. You unspeakable bastard.

What lesson did you hope to teach us by your coward's attack on our World Trade Center, our Pentagon, us? What was it you hoped we would learn? Whatever it was, please know that you failed.

Did you want us to respect your cause?
You just damned your cause.
Did you want to make us fear?
You just steeled our resolve.
Did you want to tear us apart?
You just brought us together.

Let me tell you about my people. We are a vast and quarrelsome family, a family rent by racial, social, political and class division, but a family nonetheless. We're frivolous, yes, capable of expending tremendous emotional energy on pop cultural minutiae - a singer's revealing dress, a ball team's misfortune, a cartoon mouse. We're wealthy, too, spoiled by the ready availability of trinkets and material goods, and maybe because of that, we walk through life with a certain sense of blithe entitlement. We are fundamentally decent, though - peaceful, loving, and compassionate. We struggle to know the right thing and to do it. And we are, the overwhelming majority of us, people of faith, believers in a just and loving God.

Some people -- you, perhaps -- think that any or all of this makes us weak. You're mistaken. We are not weak. Indeed, we are strong in ways that cannot be measured by arsenals.


Yes, we're in pain now. We are in mourning and we are in shock. We're still grappling with the unreality of the awful thing you did, still working to make ourselves understand that this isn't a special effect from some Hollywood blockbuster, isn't the plot development from a Tom Clancy novel. Both in terms of the awful scope of their ambition and the probable final death toll, your attacks are likely to go down as the worst acts of terrorism in the history of the United States and, probably, the history of the world. You've bloodied us as we have never been bloodied before.

But there's a gulf of difference between making us bloody and making us fall. This is the lesson Japan was taught to its bitter sorrow the last time anyone hit us this hard, the last time anyone brought us such abrupt and monumental pain. When roused, we are righteous in our outrage, terrible in our force. When provoked by this level of barbarism, we will bear any suffering, pay any cost, go to any length, in the pursuit of justice.

I tell you this without fear of contradiction. I know my people, as you, I think, do not. What I know reassures me. It also causes me to tremble with dread of the future.

In the days to come, there will be recrimination and accusation, fingers pointing to determine whose failure allowed this to happen and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. There will be heightened security, misguided talk of revoking basic freedoms. We'll go forward from this moment sobered, chastened, sad. But determined, too. Unimaginably determined.


You see, the steel in us is not always readily apparent. That aspect of our character is seldom understood by people who don't know us well. On this day, the family's bickering is put on hold. As Americans we will weep, as Americans we will mourn, and as Americans, we will rise in defense of all that we cherish.

So I ask again: What was it you hoped to teach us? It occurs to me that maybe you just wanted us to know the depths of your hatred. If that's the case, consider the message received.

And take this message in exchange:
-You don't know my people.
-You don't know what we're capable of.
-You don't know what you just started.

But you're about to learn."

(emphasis mine)
photo by: Bill Wolfrom

Rememberance Sites:
WTC Victims
Pentagon Victims
Wall of Americans
America Attacked Photofilm
Sept. 11 Digital Archives

FDNY: Blood of Heroes

Some words to reflect upon...

2 Corinthians 1:9-11
Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.
He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us,
as you help us by your prayers.
Then many will give thanks on our behalf
for the gracious favor granted us
in answer to the prayers of many.

Matthew 12:21 "In his name the nations will put their hope."

Psalm 9:1-10
I will praise you, O LORD , with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

My enemies turn back;
they stumble and perish before you.
For you have upheld my right and my cause;
you have sat on your throne, judging righteously.
You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked;
you have blotted out their name for ever and ever.
Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy,
you have uprooted their cities;
even the memory of them has perished.

The LORD reigns forever;
he has established his throne for judgment.
He will judge the world in righteousness;
he will govern the peoples with justice.
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name will trust in you,
for you, LORD , have never forsaken those who seek you.


Posted by Kyer at 10:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

In Memoriam

Gordon McCannel Aamoth. Edelmiro (Ed) Abad. Maria Rose Abad. Andrew Anthony Abate. Vincent Abate. Laurence Christopher Abel. William F. Abrahamson. Richard Anthony Aceto. Erica Van Acker. Heinrich B. Ackermann. Paul Andrew Acquaviva. Christian Adams. Donald L. Adams. Patrick Adams. Shannon Lewis Adams. Stephen Adams. Ignatius Adanga. Christy A. Addamo. Terence E. Adderley. Sophia B. Addo. Lee Adler. Daniel Thomas Afflitto. Emmanuel Afuakwah. Alok Agarwal. Mukul Agarwala. Joseph Agnello. David Scott Agnes. Joao A.D. Aguiar. Lt. Brian G. Ahearn. Jeremiah J. Ahern. Joanne Ahladiotis. Shabbir Ahmed. Terrance Andre Aiken. Godwin Ajala. Gertrude M. Alagero. Andrew Alameno. Margaret Ann (Peggy) Jezycki Alario. Gary Albero. Jon L. Albert. Peter Craig Alderman. Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge. Grace Alegre-Cua. David D. Alger. Ernest Alikakos. Edward L. Allegretto. Eric Allen. Joseph Ryan Allen. Richard Dennis Allen. Richard Lanard Allen. Christopher Edward Allingham. Anna Williams Allison. Janet M. Alonso. Anthony Alvarado. Antonio Javier Alvarez. Telmo Alvear. Cesar A. Alviar. Tariq Amanullah. Angelo Amaranto. James Amato. Joseph Amatuccio. Paul Ambrose. Christopher Charles Amoroso. Spc. Craig Amundson. Kazuhiro Anai. Calixto Anaya. Jorge Octavio Santos Anaya. Joseph Peter Anchundia. Kermit Charles Anderson. Yvette Anderson. John Andreacchio. Michael Rourke Andrews. Jean A. Andrucki. Siew-Nya Ang. Joseph Angelini. Joseph Angelini. David Angell. Lynn Angell. Laura Angilletta. Doreen J. Angrisani. Lorraine D. Antigua. Seima Aoyama. Peter Paul Apollo. Faustino Apostol. Frank Thomas Aquilino. Patrick Michael Aranyos. David Gregory Arce. Michael G. Arczynski. Louis Arena. Barbara Arestegui. Adam Arias. Michael J. Armstrong. Jack Charles Aron. Joshua Aron. Richard Avery Aronow. Myra Aronson. Japhet J. Aryee. Carl Asaro. Michael A. Asciak. Michael Edward Asher. Janice Ashley. Thomas J. Ashton. Manuel O. Asitimbay. Lt. Gregg Arthur Atlas. Gerald Atwood. James Audiffred. Kenneth W. Van Auken. Louis F. Aversano. Ezra Aviles. Alona Avraham. Ayodeji Awe. Samuel (Sandy) Ayala.

Arlene T. Babakitis. Eustace (Rudy) Bacchus. John James Badagliacca. Jane Ellen Baeszler. Robert J. Baierwalter. Andrew J. Bailey. Brett T. Bailey. Garnet Edward (Ace) Bailey. Tatyana Bakalinskaya. Michael S. Baksh. Sharon Balkcom. Michael Andrew Bane. Kathy Bantis. Gerard Jean Baptiste. Walter Baran. Gerard A. Barbara. Paul V. Barbaro. James W. Barbella. Ivan Kyrillos Fairbanks Barbosa. Victor Daniel Barbosa. Christine Barbuto. Colleen Ann Barkow. David Michael Barkway. Matthew Barnes. Melissa Rose Barnes. Sheila Patricia Barnes. Evan J. Baron. Ana Gloria Pocasangre de Barrera. Renee Barrett-Arjune. Arthur T. Barry. Diane G. Barry. Maurice Vincent Barry. Scott D. Bart. Carlton W. Bartels. Guy Barzvi. Inna Basina. Alysia Basmajian. Kenneth William Basnicki. Lt. Steven J. Bates. Paul James Battaglia. W. David Bauer. Ivhan Luis Carpio Bautista. Marlyn C. Bautista. Mark Bavis. Jasper Baxter. Lorraine G. Bay. Michele (Du Berry) Beale. Todd Beamer. Paul F. Beatini. Jane S. Beatty. Alan Beaven. Larry I. Beck. Manette Marie Beckles. Carl John Bedigian. Michael Beekman. Maria Behr. (Retired) Master Sgt. Max Beilke. Yelena Belilovsky. Nina Patrice Bell. Andrea Della Bella. Debbie S. Bellows. Stephen Elliot Belson. Paul Michael Benedetti. Denise Lenore Benedetto. Bryan Craig Bennett. Eric L. Bennett. Oliver Duncan Bennett. Margaret L. Benson. Dominick J. Berardi. James Patrick Berger. Steven Howard Berger. John P. Bergin. Alvin Bergsohn. Daniel D. Bergstein. Graham Andrew Berkeley. Michael J. Berkeley. Donna Bernaerts-Kearns. David W. Bernard. William Bernstein. David M. Berray. David S. Berry. Joseph J. Berry. William Reed Bethke. Yeneneh Betru. Timothy D. Betterly. Carolyn Beug. Edward F. Beyea. Paul Michael Beyer. Anil T. Bharvaney. Bella Bhukhan. Shimmy D. Biegeleisen. Peter Alexander Bielfeld. William Biggart. Brian Bilcher. Mark K. Bingham. Carl Vincent Bini. Gary Bird. Joshua David Birnbaum. George Bishop. Kris Romeo Bishundat. Jeffrey D. Bittner. Balewa Albert Blackman. Christopher Joseph Blackwell. Carrie Blagburn. Susan L. Blair. Harry Blanding. Janice L. Blaney. Craig Michael Blass. Rita Blau. Richard M. Blood. Michael A. Boccardi. John Paul Bocchi. Michael L. Bocchino. Susan Mary Bochino. Deora Frances Bodley. Bruce Douglas (Chappy) Boehm. Mary Katherine Boffa. Nicholas A. Bogdan. Darren C. Bohan. Lawrence Francis Boisseau. Vincent M. Boland. Touri Bolourchi. Alan Bondarenko. Andre Bonheur. Colin Arthur Bonnett. Frank Bonomo. Yvonne L. Bonomo. Sean Booker. Kelly Ann Booms. Lt. Col. Canfield D. Boone. Mary Jane (MJ) Booth. Sherry Ann Bordeaux. Krystine C. Bordenabe. Martin Boryczewski. Richard E. Bosco. Klaus Bothe. Carol Bouchard. John Howard Boulton. Francisco Bourdier. Thomas H. Bowden. Donna Bowen. Kimberly S. Bowers. Veronique (Bonnie) Nicole Bowers. Larry Bowman. Shawn Edward Bowman. Kevin L. Bowser. Gary R. Box. Gennady Boyarsky. Pamela Boyce. Allen Boyle. Michael Boyle. Alfred Braca. Sandra Conaty Brace. Kevin H. Bracken. Sandra W. Bradshaw. David Brian Brady. Alexander Braginsky. Nicholas W. Brandemarti. Daniel R. Brandhorst. David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst. Michelle Renee Bratton. Patrice Braut. Lydia Estelle Bravo. Ronald Michael Breitweiser. Edward A. Brennan. Frank H. Brennan. Michael Emmett Brennan. Peter Brennan. Thomas M. Brennan. Capt. Daniel Brethel. Gary L. Bright. Jonathan Eric Briley. Mark A. Brisman. Paul Gary Bristow. Victoria Alvarez Brito. Marion Britton. Mark Francis Broderick. Herman C. Broghammer. Keith Broomfield. Bernard Curtis Brown. Capt. Patrick J. Brown. Janice J. Brown. Lloyd Brown. Bettina Browne. Mark Bruce. Richard Bruehert. Andrew Brunn. Capt. Vincent Brunton. Ronald Paul Bucca. Brandon J. Buchanan. Greg Joseph Buck. Dennis Buckley. Nancy Bueche. Patrick Joseph Buhse. John E. Bulaga. Stephen Bunin. Christopher Lee Burford. Capt. William F. Burke. Matthew J. Burke. Thomas Daniel Burke. Charles Burlingame. Donald James Burns. Kathleen A. Burns. Keith James Burns. John Patrick Burnside. Irina Buslo. Milton Bustillo. Thomas M. Butler. Patrick Byrne. Timothy G. Byrne.

Daniel Martin Caballero. Jesus Cabezas. Lillian Caceres. Brian Joseph Cachia. Steven Cafiero. Richard M. Caggiano. Cecile M. Caguicla. John Brett Cahill. Michael John Cahill. Scott W. Cahill. Thomas J. Cahill. George Cain. Salvatore B. Calabro. Joseph Calandrillo. Philip V. Calcagno. Edward Calderon. Sgt. 1st Class Jose Orlando Calderon-Olmedo. Kenneth Marcus Caldwell. Dominick E. Calia. Felix (Bobby) Calixte. Capt. Frank Callahan. Liam Callahan. Suzanne Calley. Luigi Calvi. Roko Camaj. Michael Cammarata. David Otey Campbell. Geoffrey Thomas Campbell. Jill Marie Campbell. Robert Arthur Campbell. Sandra Patricia Campbell. Juan Ortega Campos. Sean Canavan. John A. Candela. Vincent Cangelosi. Stephen J. Cangialosi. Lisa B. Cannava. Brian Cannizzaro. Michael R. Canty. Robin Caplan. Louis A. Caporicci. Jonathan N. Cappello. James Christopher Cappers. Richard M. Caproni. Jose Cardona. Dennis M Carey. Stephen Carey. Edward Carlino. Michael Scott Carlo. David G. Carlone. Rosemarie C. Carlson. Mark Stephen Carney. Joyce Ann Carpeneto. Alicia Acevedo Carranza. Jeremy M. Carrington. Michael T. Carroll. Peter Carroll. James J. Carson. Christoffer Carstanjen. Angelene C. Carter. Christopher Newton Carter. James Marcel Cartier. Sharon Carver. Vivian Casalduc. John F. Casazza. Paul Cascio. Neilie Casey. William Cashman. Margarito Casillas. Thomas Anthony Casoria. William Otto Caspar. Alejandro Castano. Arcelia Castillo. Leonard M. Castrianno. Jose Ramon Castro. William Caswell. Richard G. Catarelli. Christopher Sean Caton. Robert J. Caufield. Mary Teresa Caulfield. Judson Cavalier. Michael Joseph Cawley. Jason D. Cayne. Juan Armando Ceballos. Marcia G. Cecil-Carter. Jason Cefalu. Thomas J. Celic. Ana M. Centeno. Joni Cesta. John J. Chada. Jeffrey M. Chairnoff. Swarna Chalasini. William Chalcoff. Eli Chalouh. Charles Lawrence (Chip) Chan. Mandy Chang. Rosa Maria (Rosemary) Chapa. Mark L. Charette. David M. Charlebois. Gregorio Manuel Chavez. Jayceryll M. de Chavez. Pedro Francisco Checo. Douglas MacMillan Cherry. Stephen Patrick Cherry. Vernon Paul Cherry. Nestor Chevalier. Swede Joseph Chevalier. Alexander H. Chiang. Dorothy J. Chiarchiaro. Luis Alfonso Chimbo. Robert Chin. Wing Wai (Eddie) Ching. Nicholas P. Chiofalo. John Chipura. Peter A. Chirchirillo. Catherine E. Chirls. Kyung (Kaccy) Cho. Abul K. Chowdhury. Mohammed Salahuddin Chowdhury. Kirsten L. Christophe. Pamela Chu. Steven Paul Chucknick. Wai-ching Chung. Christopher Ciafardini. Alex F. Ciccone. Frances Ann Cilente. Elaine Cillo. Edna Cintron. Nestor Andre Cintron. Lt. Robert Dominick Cirri. Juan Pablo Alvarez Cisneros. Benjamin Keefe Clark. Eugene Clark. Gregory A. Clark. Mannie Leroy Clark. Sarah Clark. Thomas R. Clark. Christopher Robert Clarke. Donna Clarke. Michael Clarke. Suria R.E. Clarke. Kevin Francis Cleary. James D. Cleere. Geoffrey W. Cloud. Susan M. Clyne. Steven Coakley. Jeffrey Coale. Patricia A. Cody. Daniel Michael Coffey. Jason Matthew Coffey. Florence Cohen. Kevin Sanford Cohen. Anthony Joseph Coladonato. Mark J. Colaio. Stephen J. Colaio. Christopher M. Colasanti. Kevin Nathaniel Colbert. Michel Paris Colbert. Keith Eugene Coleman. Scott Thomas Coleman. Tarel Coleman. Liam Joseph Colhoun. Robert D. Colin. Robert J. Coll. Jean Marie Collin. John Michael Collins. Michael L. Collins. Thomas J. Collins. Joseph Collison. Jeffrey Collman. Patricia Malia Colodner. Linda M. Colon. Soledi Colon. Ronald Comer. Jaime Concepcion. Albert Conde. Denease Conley. Susan Clancy Conlon. Margaret Mary Conner. Cynthia L. Connolly. John E. Connolly. James Lee Connor. Jonathan (J.C.) Connors. Kevin P. Connors. Kevin Francis Conroy. Brenda E. Conway. Dennis Michael Cook. Helen D. Cook. Jeffrey Coombs. John A. Cooper. Julian Cooper. Zandra Cooper. Joseph J. Coppo. Gerard J. Coppola. Joseph Albert Corbett. John (Jay) J. Corcoran. Alejandro Cordero. Robert Cordice. Ruben D. Correa. Danny A. Correa-Gutierrez. Georgine Rose Corrigan. James Corrigan. Carlos Cortes. Kevin M. Cosgrove. Dolores Marie Costa. Digna Alexandra Rivera Costanza. Charles Gregory Costello. Michael S. Costello. Asia Cottom. Conrod K.H. Cottoy. Martin Coughlan. Sgt. John Gerard Coughlin. Timothy John Coughlin. James E. Cove. Andre Cox. Frederick John Cox. James Raymond Coyle. Michelle Coyle-Eulau. Anne M. Cramer. Christopher Seton Cramer. Lt. Cmdr. Eric Allen Cranford. Denise Crant. James L. Crawford. Robert James Crawford. Tara Creamer. Joanne Mary Cregan. Lucia Crifasi. Lt. John Crisci. Daniel Hal Crisman. Dennis A. Cross. Helen Crossin-Kittle. Kevin Raymond Crotty. Thomas G. Crotty. John Crowe. Welles Remy Crowther. Robert L. Cruikshank. Francisco Cruz. John Robert Cruz. Kenneth John Cubas. Thelma Cuccinello. Richard Joseph Cudina. Neil James Cudmore. Thomas Patrick Cullen. Joan McConnell Cullinan. Joyce Cummings. Brian Thomas Cummins. Nilton Albuquerque Fernao Cunha. Michael Joseph Cunningham. Robert Curatolo. Laurence Curia. Paul Dario Curioli. Patrick Currivan. Beverly Curry. Sgt. Michael Curtin. Patricia Cushing. Gavin Cushny.

Caleb Arron Dack. Carlos S. DaCosta. Jason Dahl. Brian Dale. John D'Allara. Vincent D'Amadeo. Thomas A. Damaskinos. Jack L. D'Ambrosi. Jeannine Marie Damiani-Jones. Patrick W. Danahy. Nana Kwuku Danso. Mary D'Antonio. Vincent G. Danz. Dwight Donald Darcy. Elizabeth Ann Darling. Annette Andrea Dataram. Lt. Edward Alexander D'Atri. Michael D. D'Auria. Lawrence Davidson. Michael Allen Davidson. Scott Matthew Davidson. Titus Davidson. Niurka Davila. Ada M. Davis. Clinton Davis. Wayne Terrial Davis. Anthony Richard Dawson. Calvin Dawson. Edward James Day. William T. Dean. Robert J. DeAngelis. Thomas P. Deangelis. Dorothy Alma DeAraujo. Tara Debek. James Debeuneure. Anna Debin. James V. DeBlase. Paul DeCola. Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto. Simon Dedvukaj. Jason Christopher DeFazio. David A. Defeo. Jennifer DeJesus. Monique E. DeJesus. Nereida DeJesus. Donald A. Delapenha. Vito Joseph Deleo. Danielle Delie. Colleen Ann Deloughery. Joseph Deluca. Anthony Demas. Martin DeMeo. Francis X. Deming. Carol K. Demitz. Kevin Dennis. Thomas F. Dennis. Jean C. DePalma. Jose Nicolas Depena. Robert J. Deraney. Michael DeRienzo. David Paul Derubbio. Jemal Legesse DeSantis. Christian L. DeSimone. Edward DeSimone. Lt. Andrew Desperito. Michael Jude D'Esposito. Cindy Ann Deuel. Melanie Louise DeVere. Jerry DeVito. Robert P. Devitt. Dennis Lawrence Devlin. Gerard Dewan. Simon Suleman Ali Kassamali Dhanani. Michael L. DiAgostino. Lourdes Galletti Diaz. Matthew Diaz. Nancy Diaz. Obdulio Ruiz Diaz. Michael Diaz-Piedra. Judith Belguese Diaz-Sierra. Patricia F. DiChiaro. Rodney Dickens. Lt. Col. Jerry Don Dickerson. Joseph Dermot Dickey. Lawrence Patrick Dickinson. Michael David Diehl. John DiFato. Vincent F. DiFazio. Carl DiFranco. Donald J. DiFranco. Eddie Dillard. Debra Ann DiMartino. David DiMeglio. Stephen P. Dimino. William J. Dimmling. Christopher Dincuff. Jeffrey M. Dingle. Anthony DiOnisio. George DiPasquale. Joseph DiPilato. Douglas Frank DiStefano. Donald Americo DiTullio. Ramzi A. Doany. Johnnie Doctor. John J. Doherty. Melissa C. Doi. Brendan Dolan. Capt. Robert Edward Dolan. Neil Dollard. James Joseph Domanico. Benilda Pascua Domingo. Albert Dominguez. Charles (Carlos) Dominguez. Geronimo (Jerome) Mark Patrick Dominguez. Lt. Kevin W. Donnelly. Cmdr. William Howard Donovan. Jacqueline Donovan. Stephen Dorf. Thomas Dowd. Lt. Kevin Christopher Dowdell. Mary Yolanda Dowling. Raymond M. Downey. Frank Joseph Doyle. Joseph M. Doyle. Randy Drake. Patrick Joseph Driscoll. Stephen Patrick Driscoll. Charles Droz. Mirna A. Duarte. Luke A. Dudek. Christopher Michael Duffy. Gerard Duffy. Michael Joseph Duffy. Thomas W. Duffy. Antoinette Duger. Jackie Sayegh Duggan. Sareve Dukat. Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn. Christopher Joseph Dunne. Richard A. Dunstan. Patrick Thomas Dwyer.

Joseph Anthony Eacobacci. John Bruce Eagleson. Edward Thomas Earhart. Robert D. Eaton. Dean P. Eberling. Margaret Ruth Echtermann. Paul Robert Eckna. Constantine (Gus) Economos. Barbara G. Edwards. Dennis Michael Edwards. Michael Hardy Edwards. Capt. Martin Egan. Christine Egan. Lisa Egan. Michael Egan. Samantha Egan. Carole Eggert. Lisa Caren Weinstein Ehrlich. John Ernst (Jack) Eichler. Eric Adam Eisenberg. Daphne F. Elder. Michael J. Elferis. Mark J. Ellis. Valerie Silver Ellis. Albert Alfy William Elmarry. Lt. Cmdr. Robert Randolph Elseth. Edgar H. Emery. Doris Suk-Yuen Eng. Christopher S. Epps. Ulf Ramm Ericson. Erwin L. Erker. William J. Erwin. Sarah (Ali) Escarcega. Jose Espinal. Fanny M. Espinoza. Brigette Ann Esposito. Francis Esposito. Lt. Michael Esposito. William Esposito. Ruben Esquilin. Sadie Ette. Barbara G. Etzold. Eric Brian Evans. Robert Edward Evans. Meredith Emily June Ewart.

Catherine K. Fagan. Patricia M. Fagan. Keith G. Fairben. Charles S. Falkenberg. Dana Falkenberg. Zoe Falkenberg. Jamie Lynn Fallon. William F. Fallon. William Fallon. Anthony J. Fallone. Dolores B. Fanelli. Robert Fangman. John Joseph Fanning. Kathleen (Kit) Faragher. Capt. Thomas Farino. Nancy Carole Farley. Paige Farley-Hackel. Elizabeth Ann (Betty) Farmer. Douglas Farnum. John G. Farrell. John W. Farrell. Terrence Patrick Farrell. Capt. Joseph Farrelly. Thomas P. Farrelly. Syed Abdul Fatha. Christopher Faughnan. Wendy R. Faulkner. Shannon M. Fava. Bernard D. Favuzza. Robert Fazio. Ronald C. Fazio. William Feehan. Francis J. (Frank) Feely. Garth E. Feeney. Sean B. Fegan. Lee S. Fehling. Peter Feidelberg. Alan D. Feinberg. Rosa Maria Feliciano. Edward P. Felt. Edward T. Fergus. George Ferguson. James Joe Ferguson. Henry Fernandez. Jose Manuel Contreras Fernandez. Judy H. Fernandez. Elisa Giselle Ferraina. Anne Marie Sallerin Ferreira. Robert John Ferris. David Francis Ferrugio. Louis V. Fersini. Michael David Ferugio. Bradley James Fetchet. Jennifer Louise Fialko. Kristen Fiedel. Amelia V. Fields. Samuel Fields. Alex Filipov. Michael Bradley Finnegan. Timothy J. Finnerty. Michael Curtis Fiore. Stephen J. Fiorelli. Paul M. Fiori. John Fiorito. Lt. John R. Fischer. Andrew Fisher. Bennett Lawson Fisher. Gerald P. Fisher. John Roger Fisher. Thomas J. Fisher. Lucy Fishman. Ryan D. Fitzgerald. Thomas Fitzpatrick. Richard P. Fitzsimons. Salvatore A. Fiumefreddo. Darlene Flagg. Wilson "Bud" Flagg. Christina Donovan Flannery. Eileen Flecha. Andre G. Fletcher. Carl Flickinger. Matthew Michael Flocco. John Joseph Florio. Joseph W. Flounders. Carol Flyzik. David Fodor. Lt. Michael N. Fodor. Steven Mark Fogel. Thomas Foley. Jane C. Folger. David Fontana. Chih Min (Dennis) Foo. Del Rose Forbes-Cheatham. Godwin Forde. Donald A. Foreman. Christopher Hugh Forsythe. Claudia Alicia Martinez Foster. Noel J. Foster. Sandra N. Foster. Ana Fosteris. Robert J. Foti. Jeffrey L. Fox. Virginia Fox. Joan Francis. Pauline Francis. Virgin (Lucy) Francis. Gary J. Frank. Morton Frank. Peter Christopher Frank. Colleen Laura Fraser. Richard K. Fraser. Kevin Joseph Frawley. Clyde Frazier. Lillian I. Frederick. Andrew Fredericks. Tamitha Freemen. Brett O. Freiman. Lt. Peter L. Freund. Arlene E. Fried. Alan Wayne Friedlander. Andrew K. Friedman. Paul Friedman. Gregg J. Froehner. Lisa Frost. Peter Christian Fry. Clement Fumando. Steven Elliot Furman. Paul James Furmato. Karleton D.B. Fyfe.

Fredric Gabler. Richard Gabriel. Richard S. Gabrielle. James Andrew Gadiel. Pamela Gaff. Ervin Vincent Gailliard. Deanna L. Galante. Grace Galante. German Castillo Galicia. Anthony Edward Gallagher. Daniel James Gallagher. John Patrick Gallagher. Cono E. Gallo. Vincenzo Gallucci. Thomas Edward Galvin. Giovanna (Genni) Gambale. Thomas Gambino. Giann F. Gamboa. Ronald Gamboa. Peter J. Ganci. Claude Michael Gann. Lt. Charles William Garbarini. Andrew Garcia. Cesar Garcia. David Garcia. Jorge Luis Morron Garcia. Juan Garcia. Marlyn C. Garcia. Christopher Gardner. Douglas B. Gardner. Harvey J. Gardner. Jeffrey B. Gardner. Thomas A. Gardner. William Arthur Gardner. Francesco Garfi. Rocco Gargano. James M. Gartenberg. Matthew David Garvey. Bruce Gary. Palmina Delli Gatti. Boyd A. Gatton. Donald Richard Gavagan. Peter Gay. Terence D. Gazzani. Gary Geidel. Paul Hamilton Geier. Julie M. Geis. Peter Gelinas. Steven Paul Geller. Howard G. Gelling. Peter Victor Genco. Steven Gregory Genovese. Alayne F. Gentul. Linda George. Edward F. Geraghty. Suzanne Geraty. Ralph Gerhardt. Robert J. Gerlich. Denis P. Germain. Marina R. Gertsberg. Susan M. Getzendanner. Capt. Lawrence Daniel Getzfred. James Gerard Geyer. Cortz Ghee. Joseph M. Giaccone. Lt. Vincent Francis Giammona. Debra L. Gibbon. James A. Giberson. Brenda C. Gibson. Craig Neil Gibson. Ronnie Gies. Laura A. Giglio. Andrew Clive Gilbert. Timothy Paul Gilbert. Paul Stuart Gilbey. Paul John Gill. Mark Y. Gilles. Evan H. Gillette. Ronald Gilligan. Sgt. Rodney C. Gillis. Laura Gilly. Lt. John F. Ginley. Donna Marie Giordano. Jeffrey Giordano. John Giordano. Steven A. Giorgetti. Martin Giovinazzo. Kum-Kum Girolamo. Salvatore Gitto. Cynthia Giugliano. Mon Gjonbalaj. Dianne Gladstone. Keith Alexander Glascoe. Thomas I. Glasser. Edmund Glazer. Harry Glenn. Barry H. Glick. Jeremy Glick. Steven Lawrence Glick. John T. Gnazzo. William (Bill) Robert Godshalk. Michael Gogliormella. Brian Fredric Goldberg. Jeffrey Grant Goldflam. Michelle Herman Goldstein. Monica Goldstein. Steven Goldstein. Ron Golinski. Andrew H. Golkin. Dennis James Gomes. Enrique Antonio Gomez. Jose Bienvenido Gomez. Manuel Gomez. Wilder Gomez. Jenine Gonzalez. Joel Guevara Gonzalez. Mauricio Gonzalez. Rosa J. Gonzalez. Lynn Catherine Goodchild. Calvin J. Gooding. Peter Morgan Goodrich. Harry Goody. Kiran Reddy Gopu. Catherine Carmen Gorayeb. Lisa Fenn Gordenstein. Kerene Gordon. Sebastian Gorki. Kieran Gorman. Thomas E. Gorman. Michael Edward Gould. Douglas A. Gowell. Yugi Goya. Jon Richard Grabowski. Christopher Michael Grady. Edwin John Graf. David M. Graifman. Gilbert Granados. Lauren Grandcolas. Elvira Granitto. Winston Arthur Grant. Christopher Stewart Gray. Ian J. Gray. James Michael Gray. Linda Mair Grayling. John Michael Grazioso. Timothy Grazioso. Andrew Peter Charles Curry Green. Derrick Arthur Green. Wade Brian Green. Wanda Anita Green. Elaine Myra Greenberg. Donald F. Greene. Gayle R. Greene. James Arthur Greenleaf. Eileen Marsha Greenstein. Elizabeth (Lisa) Martin Gregg. Denise Gregory. Donald H. Gregory. Florence M. Gregory. Pedro (David) Grehan. John M. Griffin. Tawanna Griffin. Joan D. Griffith. Warren Grifka. Ramon Grijalvo. Joseph F. Grillo. David Grimner. The Rev. Francis E. Grogan. Linda Gronlund. Kenneth Grouzalis. Joseph Grzelak. Matthew J. Grzymalski. Robert Joseph Gschaar. Liming (Michael) Gu. Richard Guadagno. Jose A. Guadalupe. Yan Zhu (Cindy) Guan. Geoffrey E. Guja. Lt. Joseph Gullickson. Babita Guman. Douglas B. Gurian. Philip T. Guza. Barbara Guzzardo. Peter Gyulavary.

Gary Robert Haag. Andrea Lyn Haberman. Barbara M. Habib. Philip Haentzler. Nizam A. Hafiz. Karen Hagerty. Steven Hagis. Mary Lou Hague. David Halderman. Maile Rachel Hale. Diane M. Hale-McKinzy. Richard Hall. Stanley Hall. Vaswald George Hall. Robert John Halligan. Lt. Vincent Gerard Halloran. Carolyn B. Halmon. James D. Halvorson. Mohammed Salman Hamdani. Felicia Hamilton. Robert Hamilton. Carl Max Hammond. Frederic Kim Han. Christopher James Hanley. Sean Hanley. Valerie Joan Hanna. Thomas Hannafin. Kevin James Hannaford. Michael L. Hannan. Dana Hannon. Christine Lee Hanson. Peter Hanson. Vassilios G. Haramis. James A. Haran. Gerald F. Hardacre. Jeffrey P. Hardy. Timothy John Hargrave. Daniel Harlin. Frances Haros. Lt. Harvey L. Harrell. Lt. Stephen Gary Harrell. Aisha Harris. Stewart D. Harris. John Patrick Hart. Eric Samadikan Hartono. John Clinton Hartz. Emeric J. Harvey. Peter Hashem. Capt. Thomas Theodore Haskell. Timothy Haskell. Joseph John Hasson. Capt. Terence S. Hatton. Leonard William Hatton. Michael Helmut Haub. Timothy Aaron Haviland. Donald G. Havlish. Anthony Hawkins. Nobuhiro Hayatsu. James E. Hayden. Philip Hayes. Robert Hayes. William Ward Haynes. Scott Hazelcorn. Lt. Michael K. Healey. Roberta Bernstein Heber. Charles Francis Xavier Heeran. John Heffernan. Michele Heidenberger. Sheila Hein. Howard Joseph Heller. JoAnn L. Heltibridle. Ronald John Hemenway. Mark F. Hemschoot. Ronnie Lee Henderson. Janet Hendricks. Brian Hennessey. Edward (Ted) R. Hennessy. Michelle Marie Henrique. Joseph P. Henry. William Henry. John Henwood. Robert Allan Hepburn. Mary (Molly) Herencia. Lindsay Coates Herkness. Harvey Robert Hermer. Claribel Hernandez. Norberto Hernandez. Raul Hernandez. Gary Herold. Jeffrey A. Hersch. Thomas Hetzel. Capt. Brian Hickey. Ysidro Hidalgo-Tejada. Lt. Timothy Higgins. Robert D. Higley. Todd Russell Hill. Clara Victorine Hinds. Neal Hinds. Mark D. Hindy. Richard Bruce Van Hine. Katsuyuki Hirai. Heather Malia Ho. Tara Yvette Hobbs. Thomas A. Hobbs. James L. Hobin. Robert Wayne Hobson. DaJuan Hodges. Ronald George Hoerner. Patrick Aloysius Hoey. John A. Hofer. Marcia Hoffman. Stephen G. Hoffman. Frederick J. Hoffmann. Michele L. Hoffmann. Judith Florence Hofmiller. Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan. Thomas Warren Hohlweck. Jonathan R. Hohmann. Cora Hidalgo Holland. John Holland. Joseph Francis Holland. Jimmie Ira Holley. Elizabeth Holmes. Thomas P. Holohan. Herbert W. Homer. Leroy Homer. Bradley Hoorn. James P. Hopper. Montgomery McCullough Hord. Michael Horn. Matthew D. Horning. Robert L. Horohoe. Michael R. Horrocks. Aaron Horwitz. Charles J. Houston. Uhuru G. Houston. Angela Houtz. George Howard. Brady K. Howell. Michael C. Howell. Steven L. Howell. Jennifer L. Howley. Milagros Hromada. Marian Hrycak. Stephen Huczko. Kris R. Hughes. Melissa Harrington Hughes. Paul R. Hughes. Robert T. "Bobby" Hughes. Thomas F. Hughes. Timothy Robert Hughes. Susan Huie. Mychal Lamar Hulse. Nicholas Humber. Kathleen (Casey) Hunt. William C. Hunt. Joseph G. Hunter. Peggie Hurt. Robert Hussa. Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland. Robert J. Hymel. Capt. Walter Hynes. Thomas E. Hynes.

Joseph Anthony Ianelli. Zuhtu Ibis. Jonathan Lee Ielpi. Michael Patrick Iken. Daniel Ilkanayev. Capt. Frederick Ill. Abraham Nethanel Ilowitz. Anthony P. Infante. Louis S. Inghilterra. Christopher N. Ingrassia. Paul Innella. Stephanie V. Irby. Douglas Irgang. Kristin A. Irvine-Ryan. Todd A. Isaac. Erik Hans Isbrandtsen. Taizo Ishikawa. Waleed Iskandar. Aram Iskenderian. John Iskyan. Kazushige Ito. Aleksandr Valeryerich Ivantsov. Sgt. Maj. Lacey B. Ivory.

Virginia Jablonski. Bryan Jack. Brooke Alexandra Jackman. Aaron Jacobs. Ariel Louis Jacobs. Jason Kyle Jacobs. Michael Grady Jacobs. Steven A. Jacobson. Steven D. Jacoby. Ricknauth Jaggernauth. Jake Denis Jagoda. Yudh V.S. Jain. Maria Jakubiak. Robert Adrien Jalbert. Ernest James. Gricelda E. James. Mark Jardim. Amy N. Jarret. Mohammed Jawara. Francois Jean-Pierre. Maxima Jean-Pierre. Paul E. Jeffers. John Charles Jenkins. Joseph Jenkins. Alan K. Jensen. Prem N. Jerath. Farah Jeudy. Hweidar Jian. Eliezer Jimenez. Luis Jimenez. Charles Gregory John. Nicholas John. LaShawana Johnson. Lt. Col. Dennis M. Johnson. Scott M. Johnson. William Johnston. Allison Horstmann Jones. Arthur Joseph Jones. Brian L. Jones. Charles Edward Jones. Christopher D. Jones. Donald T. Jones. Donald W. Jones. Judith Jones. Linda Jones. Mary S. Jones. Andrew Jordan. Robert Thomas Jordan. Albert Joseph. Ingeborg Joseph. Karl Henri Joseph. Stephen Joseph. Jane Eileen Josiah. Lt. Anthony Jovic. Thomas E. Burnett Jr.. Angel Luis Juarbe. Karen Susan Juday. Ann Judge. The Rev. Mychal Judge. Paul W. Jurgens. Thomas Edward Jurgens.

Kacinga Kabeya. Shashi Kiran Lakshmikantha Kadaba. Gavkharoy Mukhometovna Kamardinova. Shari Kandell. Howard Lee Kane. Jennifer Lynn Kane. Vincent D. Kane. Joon Koo Kang. Sheldon R. Kanter. Deborah H. Kaplan. Alvin Peter Kappelmann. Charles Karczewski. William A. Karnes. Douglas G. Karpiloff. Charles L. Kasper. Andrew Kates. John Katsimatides. Sgt. Robert Kaulfers. Don Jerome Kauth. Hideya Kawauchi. Edward T. Keane. Richard M. Keane. Lisa Kearney-Griffin. Karol Ann Keasler. Barbara Keating. Paul Hanlon Keating. Leo Russell Keene. Brenda Kegler. Chandler Keller. Joseph J. Keller. Peter Rodney Kellerman. Joseph P. Kellett. Frederick H. Kelley. James Joseph Kelly. Joseph A. Kelly. Maurice Patrick Kelly. Richard John Kelly. Thomas Michael Kelly. Thomas Richard Kelly. Thomas W. Kelly. Timothy C. Kelly. William Hill Kelly. Robert C. Kennedy. Thomas J. Kennedy. Yvonne Kennedy. John Keohane. Ralph Francis Kershaw. Lt. Ronald T. Kerwin. Howard L. Kestenbaum. Douglas D. Ketcham. Ruth E. Ketler. Boris Khalif. Norma Khan. Sarah Khan. Taimour Firaz Khan. Rajesh Khandelwal. Bhowanie Devi Khemraj. SeiLai Khoo. Michael Kiefer. Satoshi Kikuchihara. Andrew Jay-Hoon Kim. Lawrence Don Kim. Mary Jo Kimelman. Sue Jue Kim-Hanson. Heinrich Kimmig. Karen A. Kincaid. Amy R. King. Andrew Marshall King. Lucille T. King. Robert King. Lisa M. King-Johnson. Brian Kinney. Takashi Kinoshita. Chris Michael Kirby. Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum. Glenn Davis Kirwin. Richard J. Klares. Peter A. Klein. Alan D. Kleinberg. Karen J. Klitzman. Ronald Philip Kloepfer. Andrew Knox. Thomas Patrick Knox. Yevgeny Knyazev. Rebecca Lee Koborie. Deborah Kobus. Gary Edward Koecheler. Frank J. Koestner. Ryan Kohart. Vanessa Lynn Kolpak. Irina Kolpakova. Suzanne Kondratenko. Abdoulaye Kone. Bon-seok Koo. Dorota Kopiczko. Scott Kopytko. Bojan Kostic. Danielle Kousoulis. David Kovalcin. John J. Kren. William Krukowski. Lyudmila Ksido. Toshiya Kuge. Shekhar Kumar. Kenneth Kumpel. Frederick Kuo. Patricia Kuras. Nauka Kushitani. Thomas Joseph Kuveikis. Victor Kwarkye. Kui Fai Kwok. Angela R. Kyte.

Kathryn L. LaBorie. Amarnauth Lachhman. Andrew LaCorte. Ganesh Ladkat. James P. Ladley. Daniel M. Van Laere. Joseph A. Lafalce. Jeanette LaFond-Menichino. David LaForge. Michael Patrick LaForte. Alan Lafranco. Juan Lafuente. Neil K. Lai. Vincent A. Laieta. William David Lake. Franco Lalama. Chow Kwan Lam. Lt. Michael Scott Lamana. Stephen LaMantia. Amy Hope Lamonsoff. Robert T. Lane. Brendan M. Lang. Rosanne P. Lang. Vanessa Langer. Mary Lou Langley. Peter J. Langone. Thomas Langone. Michele B. Lanza. Ruth Sheila Lapin. Carol Ann LaPlante. Ingeborg Astrid Desiree Lariby. Robin Larkey. Judy Larocque. Christopher Randall Larrabee. Hamidou S. Larry. Scott Larsen. John Adam Larson. Natalie Janis Lasden. Gary E. Lasko. Nicholas C. Lassman. Paul Laszczynski. Jeffrey Latouche. Cristina de Laura. Oscar de Laura. Charles Laurencin. Stephen James Lauria. Maria Lavache. Denis F. Lavelle. Jeannine M. LaVerde. Anna A. Laverty. Steven Lawn. Robert A. Lawrence. Nathaniel Lawson. David W. Laychak. Eugen Lazar. James Patrick Leahy. Lt. Joseph Gerard Leavey. Neil Leavy. Robert George LeBlanc. Leon Lebor. Kenneth Charles Ledee. Alan J. Lederman. Elena Ledesma. Alexis Leduc. Daniel John Lee. David S. Lee. Dong Lee. Gary H. Lee. Hyun-joon (Paul) Lee. Jong-min Lee. Juanita Lee. Kathryn Blair Lee. Linda C. Lee. Lorraine Lee. Myung-woo Lee. Richard Y.C. Lee. Stuart (Soo-Jin) Lee. Yang Der Lee. Stephen Lefkowitz. Adriana Legro. Edward J. Lehman. Eric Andrew Lehrfeld. David Ralph Leistman. David Prudencio LeMagne. Joseph A. Lenihan. John J. Lennon. John Robinson Lenoir. Jorge Luis Leon. Matthew Gerard Leonard. Michael Lepore. Charles Antoine Lesperance. Jeffrey Earle LeVeen. John D. Levi. Alisha Caren Levin. Neil D. Levin. Robert Levine. Robert M. Levine. Shai Levinhar. Daniel C. Lewin. Adam J. Lewis. Jennifer Lewis. Kenneth Lewis. Margaret Susan Lewis. Ye Wei Liang. Orasri Liangthanasarn. Daniel F. Libretti. Ralph M. Licciardi. Edward Lichtschein. Samantha Lightbourn-Allen. Steven B. Lillianthal. Carlos R. Lillo. Craig Damian Lilore. Arnold A. Lim. Darya Lin. Wei Rong Lin. Tomas Gallegos Linares. Nickie L. Lindo. Thomas V. Linehan. Robert Thomas Linnane. Alan Linton. Diane Theresa Lipari. Kenneth P. Lira. Francisco Alberto Liriano. Lorraine Lisi. Paul Lisson. Vincent Litto. Ming-Hao Liu. Nancy Liz. Harold Lizcano. Martin Lizzul. George A. Llanes. Elizabeth Claire Logler. Catherine Lisa Loguidice. Jerome Robert Lohez. Michael W. Lomax. Maj. Steve Long. Laura M. Longing. Salvatore P. Lopes. Daniel Lopez. George Lopez. Luis Lopez. Maclovio Lopez. Manuel L. Lopez. Joseph Lostrangio. Chet Louie. Stuart Seid Louis. Joseph Lovero. Sara Low. Michael W. Lowe. Garry Lozier. John Peter Lozowsky. Charles Peter Lucania. Edward (Ted) H. Luckett. Mark G. Ludvigsen. Lee Charles Ludwig. Sean Thomas Lugano. Daniel Lugo. Marie Lukas. William Lum. Michael P. Lunden. Christopher Lunder. Anthony Luparello. Gary Lutnick. Linda Luzzicone. Alexander Lygin. CeeCee Lyles. Farrell Peter Lynch. James Francis Lynch. James Lynch. Louise A. Lynch. Michael F. Lynch. Michael Francis Lynch. Michael Lynch. Richard Dennis Lynch. Robert H. Lynch. Sean Lynch. Sean Patrick Lynch. Terence M. Lynch. Michael J. Lyons. Monica Lyons. Nehamon Lyons. Patrick Lyons.

Robert Francis Mace. Marianne MacFarlane. Jan Maciejewski. Susan A. MacKay. Catherine Fairfax MacRae. Richard B. Madden. Simon Maddison. Noell Maerz. Jeannieann Maffeo. Joseph Maffeo. Jay Robert Magazine. Brian Magee. Charles Wilson Magee. Joseph Maggitti. Ronald E. Magnuson. Daniel L. Maher. Thomas Anthony Mahon. William Mahoney. Joseph Maio. Takashi Makimoto. Abdu Malahi. Debora Maldonado. Myrna T. Maldonado-Agosto. Alfred R. Maler. Gregory James Malone. Edward Francis (Teddy) Maloney. Joseph E. Maloney. Gene E. Maloy. Christian Maltby. Francisco Miguel (Frank) Mancini. Joseph Mangano. Sara Elizabeth Manley. Debra M. Mannetta. Marion Victoria (vickie) Manning. Terence J. Manning. James Maounis. Alfred Gilles Padre Joseph Marchand. Joseph Ross Marchbanks. Hilda Marcin. Peter Edward Mardikian. Edward Joseph Mardovich. Lt. Charles Joseph Margiotta. Louis Neil Mariani. Kenneth Joseph Marino. Lester Vincent Marino. Vita Marino. Kevin D. Marlo. Jose J. Marrero. John Marshall. Shelley A. Marshall. James Martello. Michael A. Marti. Karen A. Martin. Lt. Peter Martin. Teresa Martin. William J. Martin. Brian E. Martineau. Betsy Martinez. Edward J. Martinez. Jose Martinez. Robert Gabriel Martinez. Lizie Martinez-Calderon. Francis (Frank) Albert De Martini. Lt. Paul Richard Martini. Joseph A. Mascali. Bernard Mascarenhas. Stephen F. Masi. Ada L. Mason. Nicholas G. Massa. Patricia A. Massari. Michael Massaroli. Philip W. Mastrandrea. Rudolph Mastrocinque. Joseph Mathai. Charles William Mathers. William A. Mathesen. Marcello Matricciano. Margaret Elaine Mattic. Lt. Col. Dean E. Mattson. Robert D. Mattson. Walter Matuza. Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude. Charles A. (Chuck) Mauro. Charles J. Mauro. Dorothy Mauro. Nancy T. Mauro. Robert J. Maxwell. Renee A. May. Tyrone May. Keithroy Maynard. Robert J. Mayo. Kathy Nancy Mazza-Delosh. Edward Mazzella. Jennifer Mazzotta. Kaaria Mbaya. James J. McAlary. Brian McAleese. Patricia A. McAneney. Colin Richard McArthur. John McAvoy. Kenneth M. McBrayer. Brendan McCabe. Michael J. McCabe. Thomas McCann. Justin McCarthy. Kevin M. McCarthy. Michael Desmond McCarthy. Robert Garvin McCarthy. Stanley McCaskill. Katie Marie McCloskey. Tara McCloud-Gray. Juliana Valentine McCourt. Ruth Magdaline McCourt. Charles Austin McCrann. Tonyell McDay. Matthew T. McDermott. Joseph P. McDonald. Brian G. McDonnell. Michael McDonnell. John F. McDowell. Eamon J. McEneaney. John Thomas McErlean. Katherine (Katie) McGarry-Noack. Daniel F. McGinley. Mark Ryan McGinly. Lt. William E. McGinn. Thomas H. McGinnis. Michael Gregory McGinty. Ann McGovern. Scott Martin McGovern. William J. McGovern. Stacey S. McGowan. Francis Noel McGuinn. First Officer Thomas McGuinness. Patrick J. McGuire. Thomas M. McHale. Keith McHeffey. Ann M. McHugh. Denis J. McHugh. Dennis P. McHugh. Michael Edward McHugh. Robert G. McIlvaine. Donald James McIntyre. Stephanie McKenna. Molly McKenzie. Barry J. McKeon. Evelyn C. McKinnedy. Darryl Leron McKinney. George Patrick McLaughlin. Robert C. McLaughlin. Gavin McMahon. Robert Dismas McMahon. Edmund M. McNally. Daniel McNeal. Walter Arthur McNeil. Jaselliny McNish. Christine Sheila McNulty. Sean Peter McNulty. Robert William McPadden. Terence A. McShane. Timothy Patrick McSweeney. Martin E. McWilliams. Rocco A. Medaglia. Abigail Medina. Ana Iris Medina. Deborah Medwig. Damian Meehan. William J. Meehan. Alok Kumar Mehta. Raymond Meisenheimer. Manuel Emilio Mejia. Eskedar Melaku. Antonio Melendez. Mary Melendez. Christopher D. Mello. Yelena Melnichenko. Stuart Todd Meltzer. Diarelia Jovannah Mena. Dora Menchaca. Charles Mendez. Lizette Mendoza. Shevonne Mentis. Wolfgang Peter Menzel. Steve Mercado. Wesley Mercer. Ralph Joseph Mercurio. Alan H. Merdinger. George C. Merino. Yamel Merino. George Merkouris. Deborah Merrick. Raymond J. Metz. Jill A. Metzler. David Robert Meyer. Nurul Huq Miah. William Edward Micciulli. Martin Paul Michelstein. Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley. Luis Clodoaldo Revilla Mier. Maj. Ronald D. Milam. Peter T. Milano. Gregory Milanowycz. Lukasz T. Milewski. Corey Peter Miller. Craig James Miller. Douglas C. Miller. Henry Miller. Joel Miller. Michael Matthew Miller. Nicole Miller. Phillip D. Miller. Robert Alan Miller. Robert C. Miller. Benjamin Millman. Charles M. Mills. Ronald Keith Milstein. Robert Minara. William G. Minardi. Louis Joseph Minervino. Thomas Mingione. Nana Akwasi Minkah. Wilbert Miraille. Domenick Mircovich. Rajesh A. Mirpuri. Joseph Mistrulli. Susan Miszkowicz. Lt. Paul Thomas Mitchell. Richard Miuccio. Jeff Mladenik. Frank V. Moccia. Capt. Louis Joseph Modafferi. Boyie Mohammed. Lt. Dennis Mojica. Manuel Mojica. Fernando Jimenez Molina. Kleber Rolando Molina. Manuel Dejesus Molina. Carl Molinaro. Justin J. Molisani. Brian Patrick Monaghan. Franklin Monahan. John Gerard Monahan. Kristen Montanaro. Craig D. Montano. Michael Montesi. Carlos Alberto Montoya. Cheryl Ann Monyak. Capt. Thomas Moody. Sharon Moore. Krishna Moorthy. Laura Lee Morabito. Abner Morales. Carlos Morales. Luis Morales. Paula Morales. Gerard (Jerry) P. Moran. John Christopher Moran. John Moran. Kathleen Moran. Lindsay S. Morehouse. George Morell. Steven P. Morello. Vincent S. Morello. Arturo Alva Moreno. Yvette Nicole Moreno. Dorothy Morgan. Richard Morgan. Nancy Morgenstern. Sanae Mori. Blanca Morocho. Leonel Morocho. Dennis G. Moroney. Lynne Irene Morris. Odessa V. Morris. Seth A. Morris. Stephen Philip Morris. Christopher M. Morrison. Ferdinand V. Morrone. William David Moskal. Brian Anthony Moss. Manuel Da Mota. Marco Motroni. Iouri A. Mouchinski. Jude J. Moussa. Peter C. Moutos. Damion Mowatt. Ted Moy. Christopher Mozzillo. Stephen V. Mulderry. Richard Muldowney. Michael D. Mullan. Dennis Michael Mulligan. Peter James Mulligan. Michael Joseph Mullin. James Donald Munhall. Nancy Muniz. Carlos Mario Munoz. Francisco Munoz. Theresa (Terry) Munson. Robert M. Murach. Cesar Augusto Murillo. Marc A. Murolo. Brian Joseph Murphy. Charles Murphy. Christopher W. Murphy. Edward C. Murphy. James F. Murphy. James Thomas Murphy. Kevin James Murphy. Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy. Lt. Raymond E. Murphy. Patrick Sean Murphy. Robert Eddie Murphy. John Joseph Murray. John Joseph Murray. Susan D. Murray. Valerie Victoria Murray. Richard Todd Myhre.

Louis J. Nacke. Lt. Robert B. Nagel. Mildred Naiman. Takuya Nakamura. Alexander J.R. Napier. Frank Joseph Naples. John Napolitano. Catherine A. Nardella. Mario Nardone. Manika Narula. Shawn M. Nassaney. Narender Nath. Karen S. Navarro. Joseph M. Navas. Francis J. Nazario. Glenroy Neblett. Marcus R. Neblett. Jerome O. Nedd. Laurence Nedell. Luke G. Nee. Pete Negron. Laurie Ann Neira. Ann Nicole Nelson. David William Nelson. James Nelson. Michele Ann Nelson. Peter Allen Nelson. Oscar Nesbitt. Gerard Terence Nevins. Renee Newell. Christopher Newton. Kapinga Ngalula. Nancy Yuen Ngo. Khang Nguyen. Jody Tepedino Nichilo. Kathleen Nicosia. Martin Niederer. Alfonse J. Niedermeyer. Frank John Niestadt. Gloria Nieves. Juan Nieves. Troy Edward Nilsen. Paul R. Nimbley. John Ballantine Niven. Curtis Terrence Noel. Michael Allen Noeth. Daniel R. Nolan. Robert Walter Noonan. Jacqueline J. Norton. Robert Grant Norton. Daniela R. Notaro. Brian Novotny. Soichi Numata. Brian Felix Nunez. Jose R. Nunez. Jeffrey Nussbaum.

James A. Oakley. Dennis O'Berg. James P. O'Brien. Michael O'Brien. Scott J. O'Brien. Timothy Michael O'Brien. Lt. Daniel O'Callaghan. Jefferson Ocampo. Dennis J. O'Connor. Diana J. O'Connor. Keith K. O'Connor. Richard J. O'Connor. Amy O'Doherty. Marni Pont O'Doherty. Douglas Oelschlager. Takashi Ogawa. Albert Ogletree. Philip Paul Ognibene. John Ogonowski. James Andrew O'Grady. Joseph J. Ogren. Lt. Thomas O'Hagan. Samuel Oitice. Capt. William O'Keefe. Patrick O'Keefe. Gerald Michael Olcott. Gerald O'Leary. Christine Anne Olender. Elsy Carolina Osorio Oliva. Linda Mary Oliva. Edward K. Oliver. Leah E. Oliver. Eric T. Olsen. Jeffrey James Olsen. Barbara Olson. Maureen L. Olson. Steven John Olson. Matthew Timothy O'Mahoney. Toshihiro Onda. Seamus L. O'Neal. John P. O'Neill. Peter J. O'Neill. Sean Gordon Corbett O'Neill. Betty Ong. Michael C. Opperman. Christopher Orgielewicz. Margaret Orloske. Virginia A. Ormiston-Kenworthy. Ruben Ornedo. Kevin O'Rourke. Juan Romero Orozco. Ronald Orsini. Peter K. Ortale. Jane M. Orth. Alexander Ortiz. David Ortiz. Emilio (Peter) Ortiz. Pablo Ortiz. Paul Ortiz. Sonia Ortiz. Masaru Ose. Patrick J. O'Shea. Robert W. O'Shea. James Robert Ostrowski. Timothy O'Sullivan. Jason Douglas Oswald. Michael Otten. Isidro Ottenwalder. Michael Chung Ou. Todd Joseph Ouida. Jesus Ovalles. Peter J. Owens. Adianes Oyola.

Angel M. Pabon. Israel Pabon. Roland Pacheco. Michael Benjamin Packer. Diana Borrero de Padro. Spc. Chin Sun Pak. Deepa K. Pakkala. Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo. Thomas Anthony Palazzo. Richard (Rico) Palazzolo. Orio Joseph Palmer. Frank A. Palombo. Alan N. Palumbo. Christopher M. Panatier. Dominique Pandolfo. Lt. Jonas Martin Panik. Paul Pansini. John M. Paolillo. Edward J. Papa. Salvatore Papasso. James N. Pappageorge. Marie Pappalardo. Vinod K. Parakat. Vijayashanker Paramsothy. Nitin Parandkar. Hardai (Casey) Parbhu. James Wendell Parham. Debra (Debbie) Paris. George Paris. Gye-Hyong Park. Philip L. Parker. Michael A. Parkes. Robert Emmett Parks. Hasmukhrai Chuckulal Parmar. Robert Parro. Diane Marie Moore Parsons. Leobardo Lopez Pascual. Michael J. Pascuma. Jerrold H. Paskins. Horace Robert Passananti. Suzanne H. Passaro. Victor Antonio Martinez Pastrana. Avnish Ramanbhai Patel. Dipti Patel. Manish K. Patel. Steven B. Paterson. James Matthew Patrick. Manuel Patrocino. Bernard E. Patterson. Maj. Clifford L. Patterson. Cira Marie Patti. Robert Edward Pattison. James R. Paul. Patrice Paz. Sharon Cristina Millan Paz. Victor Paz-Gutierrez. Stacey L. Peak. Richard Allen Pearlman. Durrell Pearsall. Thomas Pecorelli. Thomas E. Pedicini. Todd D. Pelino. Michel Adrian Pelletier. Anthony Peluso. Angel Ramon Pena. Emerita (Emy) De La Pena. Robert Penniger. Richard Al Penny. Salvatore F. Pepe. Carl Allen Peralta. Robert David Peraza. Jon A. Perconti. Alejo Perez. Angel Perez. Angela Susan Perez. Anthony Perez. Ivan Perez. Nancy E. Perez. Berinthia Berenson Perkins. Joseph John Perroncino. Edward J. Perrotta. Emelda Perry. John William Perry. Lt. Glenn C. Perry. Franklin Allan Pershep. Daniel Pesce. Michael J. Pescherine. Davin Peterson. Donald Arthur Peterson. Jean Hoadley Peterson. William Russel Peterson. Mark Petrocelli. Lt. Philip S. Petti. Glen Kerrin Pettit. Dominick Pezzulo. Kaleen E. Pezzuti. Lt. Kevin Pfeifer. Tu-Anh Pham. Lt. Kenneth John Phelan. Michael V. San Phillip. Eugenia Piantieri. Ludwig John Picarro. Matthew Picerno. Joseph O. Pick. Christopher Pickford. Dennis J. Pierce. Joseph A. Della Pietra. Bernard T. Pietronico. Nicholas P. Pietrunti. Theodoros Pigis. Susan Elizabeth Ancona Pinto. Joseph Piskadlo. Christopher Todd Pitman. Josh Piver. Robert R. Ploger. Joseph Plumitallo. John M. Pocher. William Howard Pohlmann. Laurence M. Polatsch. Thomas H. Polhemus. Steve Pollicino. Susan M. Pollio. Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell. Joshua Poptean. Giovanna Porras. Anthony Portillo. James Edward Potorti. Daphne Pouletsos. Richard Poulos. Stephen E. Poulos. Brandon Jerome Powell. Scott Powell. Shawn Edward Powell. Tony Pratt. Gregory M. Preziose. Wanda Ivelisse Prince. Vincent Princiotta. Kevin Prior. Everett Martin (Marty) Proctor. Carrie B. Progen. David Lee Pruim. Richard Prunty. John F. Puckett. Robert D. Pugliese. Edward F. Pullis. Patricia Ann Puma. (Retired) Capt. Jack Punches. Sonia Morales Puopolo. Hemanth Kumar Puttur. Joseph John Pycior. Edward R. Pykon.

Christopher Quackenbush. Lars Peter Qualben. Lincoln Quappe. Beth Ann Quigley. Patrick Quigley. Lt. Michael Quilty. James Francis Quinn. Ricardo Quinn.

Carol Rabalais. Christopher Peter A. Racaniello. Leonard Ragaglia. Eugene J. Raggio. Laura Marie Ragonese-Snik. Michael Ragusa. Peter F. Raimondi. Harry A. Raines. Lisa J. Raines. Ehtesham U. Raja. Valsa Raju. Edward Rall. Lukas (Luke) Rambousek. Julio Fernandez Ramirez. Maria Isabel Ramirez. Harry Ramos. Vishnoo Ramsaroop. Deborah Ramsaur. Lorenzo Ramzey. A. Todd Rancke. Adam David Rand. Jonathan C. Randall. Srinivasa Shreyas Ranganath. Anne Rose T. Ransom. Faina Rapoport. Rhonda Rasmussen. Robert Arthur Rasmussen. Amenia Rasool. Roger Mark Rasweiler. Marsha Dianah Ratchford. David Alan James Rathkey. William Ralph Raub. Gerard Rauzi. Alexey Razuvaev. Gregory Reda. Sarah (Prothero) Redheffer. Michele Reed. Judith A. Reese. Donald J. Regan. Lt. Robert M. Regan. Thomas M. Regan. Christian Michael Otto Regenhard. Howard Reich. Gregg Reidy. James Brian Reilly. Kevin O. Reilly. Timothy E. Reilly. Joseph Reina. Thomas Barnes Reinig. Frank B. Reisman. Joshua Scott Reiss. Karen Renda. John Armand Reo. Richard Rescorla. John Thomas Resta. Sylvia San Pio Resta. Martha Reszke. David E. Retik. Todd Reuben. Eduvigis (Eddie) Reyes. Bruce A. Reynolds. John Frederick Rhodes. Francis S. Riccardelli. Rudolph N. Riccio. AnnMarie (Davi) Riccoboni. David Rice. Eileen Mary Rice. Kenneth F. Rice. Cecelia E. Richard. Lt. Vernon Allan Richard. Claude D. Richards. Gregory Richards. Michael Richards. Venesha O. Richards. James C. Riches. Alan Jay Richman. John M. Rigo. Frederick Charles Rimmele. Theresa (Ginger) Risco. Rose Mary Riso. Moises N. Rivas. Joseph Rivelli. Carmen A. Rivera. Isaias Rivera. Juan William Rivera. Linda Rivera. Waleska Martinez Rivera. David E. Rivers. Joseph R. Riverso. Paul Rizza. John Frank Rizzo. Stephen Louis Roach. Joseph Roberto. Leo A. Roberts. Michael Edward Roberts. Michael Roberts. Donald Walter Robertson. Catherina Robinson. Jeffrey Robinson. Michell Lee Robotham. Donald Robson. Antonio Augusto Tome Rocha. Raymond J. Rocha. Laura Rockefeller. John M. Rodak. Antonio Jose Carrusca Rodrigues. Anthony Rodriguez. Carmen Milagros Rodriguez. Gregory E. Rodriguez. Marsha A. Rodriguez. Richard Rodriguez. David B. Rodriguez-Vargas. Matthew Rogan. Jean Roger. Karlie Barbara Rogers. Scott Rohner. Keith Roma. Joseph M. Romagnolo. Efrain Franco Romero. Elvin Santiago Romero. James A. Romito. Sean Rooney. Eric Thomas Ropiteau. Aida Rosario. Angela Rosario. Fitzroy St. Rose. Mark H. Rosen. Brooke David Rosenbaum. Linda Rosenbaum. Sheryl Lynn Rosenbaum. Lloyd D. Rosenberg. Mark Louis Rosenberg. Andrew I. Rosenblum. Joshua M. Rosenblum. Joshua A. Rosenthal. Richard David Rosenthal. Philip M. Rosenzweig. Richard Ross. Daniel Rossetti. Norman Rossinow. Nicholas P. Rossomando. Michael Craig Rothberg. Donna Marie Rothenberg. Mark Rothenberg. James M. Roux. Nick Rowe. Edward V. Rowenhorst. Judy Rowlett. Timothy A. Roy. Paul G. Ruback. Ronald J. Ruben. Joanne Rubino. David Michael Ruddle. Bart Joseph Ruggiere. Susan Ann Ruggiero. Adam K. Ruhalter. Gilbert Ruiz. Robert E. Russell. Stephen P. Russell. Steven Harris Russin. Lt. Michael Thomas Russo. Wayne Alan Russo. William R. Ruth. Edward Ryan. John J. Ryan. Jonathan Stephan Ryan. Matthew Lancelot Ryan. Tatiana Ryjova. Christina Sunga Ryook.

Thierry Saada. Jason E. Sabbag. Thomas E. Sabella. Scott Saber. Charles E. Sabin. Joseph Sacerdote. Jessica Sachs. Francis J. Sadocha. Jude Elias Safi. Brock Joel Safronoff. Edward Saiya. John Patrick Salamone. Marjorie C. Salamone. Hernando R. Salas. Juan Salas. Esmerlin Salcedo. John Salvatore Salerno. Rahma Salie. Richard L. Salinardi. Wayne John Saloman. Nolbert Salomon. Catherine Patricia Salter. Frank Salvaterra. Paul R. Salvio. Samuel R. Salvo. Carlos Samaniego. Rena Sam-Dinnoo. John Sammartino. James Kenneth Samuel. Hugo Sanay-Perafiel. Alva Jeffries Sanchez. Erick Sanchez. Jacquelyn P. Sanchez. Jesus Sanchez. Eric Sand. Stacey Leigh Sanders. Herman Sandler. James Sands. Ayleen J. Santiago. Kirsten Santiago. Maria Theresa Santillan. Susan G. Santo. Christopher Santora. John Santore. Mario L. Santoro. Rafael Humberto Santos. Rufino Conrado F. (Roy) Santos. Capt. Victor Saracini. Kalyan K. Sarkar. Chapelle Sarker. Paul F. Sarle. Deepika Kumar Sattaluri. Gregory Thomas Saucedo. Susan Sauer. Anthony Savas. Vladimir Savinkin. John Sbarbaro. Lt. Col. David M. Scales. Robert L. Scandole. Michelle Scarpitta. Dennis Scauso. John A. Schardt. John G. Scharf. Fred Claude Scheffold. Angela Susan Scheinberg. Scott M. Schertzer. Sean Schielke. Steven Francis Schlag. Cmdr. Robert Allan Schlegel. Jon S. Schlissel. Karen Helene Schmidt. Ian Schneider. Thomas G. Schoales. Marisa Di Nardo Schorpp. Frank G. Schott. Gerard P. Schrang. Jeffrey Schreier. John T. Schroeder. Susan Lee Kennedy Schuler. Edward W. Schunk. Mark E. Schurmeier. Clarin Shellie Schwartz. John Schwartz. Mark Schwartz. Adriane Victoria Scibetta. Raphael Scorca. Janice Scott. Randolph Scott. Christopher J. Scudder. Arthur Warren Scullin. Michael Seaman. Margaret Seeliger. Anthony Segarra. Carlos Segarra. Jason Sekzer. Matthew Carmen Sellitto. Michael L. Selves. Howard Selwyn. Larry John Senko. Arturo Angelo Sereno. Frankie Serrano. Marian Serva. Alena Sesinova. Adele Sessa. Sita Nermalla Sewnarine. Karen Lynn Seymour-Dietrich. Davis (Deeg) Sezna. Thomas Joseph Sgroi. Jayesh Shah. Khalid M. Shahid. Mohammed Shajahan. Gary Shamay. Earl Richard Shanahan. Shiv Shankar. Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower. Neil G. Shastri. Kathryn Anne Shatzoff. Barbara A. Shaw. Jeffrey J. Shaw. Robert J. Shay. Daniel James Shea. Joseph Patrick Shea. Mary Kathleen Shearer. Robert Michael Shearer. Linda Sheehan. Hagay Shefi. Antoinette Sherman. John Anthony Sherry. Atsushi Shiratori. Thomas Shubert. Mark Shulman. See-Wong Shum. Allan Shwartzstein. Johanna Sigmund. Dianne T. Signer. Gregory Sikorsky. Stephen Gerard Siller. David Silver. Craig A. Silverstein. Nasima H. Simjee. Bruce Edward Simmons. Diane Simmons. Don Simmons. George Simmons. Arthur Simon. Kenneth Alan Simon. Michael John Simon. Paul Joseph Simon. Marianne Simone. Barry Simowitz. Jane Louise Simpkin. Jeff Simpson. Cheryle D. Sincock. Khamladai K. (Khami) Singh. Roshan R. (Sean) Singh. Thomas Sinton. Peter A. Siracuse. Muriel F. Siskopoulos. Joseph M. Sisolak. John P. Skala. Francis J. Skidmore. Toyena Corliss Skinner. Paul A. Skrzypek. Christopher Paul Slattery. Vincent R. Slavin. Robert Sliwak. Paul K. Sloan. Stanley S. Smagala. Wendy L. Small. Gregg Harold Smallwood. (Retired) Lt. Col. Gary F. Smith. Catherine T. Smith. Daniel Laurence Smith. George Eric Smith. Heather Lee Smith. James G. Smith. Jeffrey Randall Smith. Joyce Smith. Karl Trumbull Smith. Kevin Smith. Leon Smith. Moira Smith. Rosemary A. Smith. Sandra Fajardo Smith. Bonnie S. Smithwick. Rochelle Monique Snell. Christine Snyder. Dianne Snyder. Leonard J. Snyder. Astrid Elizabeth Sohan. Sushil Solanki. Ruben Solares. Naomi Leah Solomon. Daniel W. Song. Mari-Rae Sopper. Michael C. Sorresse. Fabian Soto. Timothy P. Soulas. Gregory T. Spagnoletti. Donald F. Spampinato. Thomas Sparacio. John Anthony Spataro. Robert W. Spear. Robert Speisman. Maynard S. Spence. George E. Spencer. Robert Andrew Spencer. Mary Rubina Sperando. Frank J. Spinelli. William E. Spitz. Joseph P. Spor. Klaus Johannes Sprockamp. Saranya Srinuan. Michael F. Stabile. Lawrence T. Stack. Capt. Timothy Stackpole. Richard James Stadelberger. Eric A. Stahlman. Gregory M. Stajk. Alexandru Liviu Stan. Corina Stan. Mary D. Stanley. Joyce Stanton. Patricia Stanton. Anthony M. Starita. Jeffrey Stark. Derek James Statkevicus. Patricia J. Statz. Craig William Staub. William V. Steckman. Eric Thomas Steen. William R. Steiner. Alexander Robbins Steinman. Edna L. Stephens. Andrew Stergiopoulos. Andrew Stern. Norma Lang Steuerle. Martha Jane Stevens. Michael James Stewart. Richard H. Stewart. Sanford M. Stoller. Douglas J. Stone. Lonny J. Stone. Jimmy Nevill Storey. Timothy Stout. Thomas S. Strada. James J. Straine. Edward W. Straub. George Strauch. Edward T. Strauss. Steven R. Strauss. Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland. Steven F. Strobert. Walwyn W. Stuart. Benjamin Suarez. David S. Suarez. Ramon Suarez. Xavier Suarez. Yoichi Sugiyama. William Christopher Sugra. Daniel Suhr. David Marc Sullins. Lt. Christopher P. Sullivan. Patrick Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan. Hilario Soriano (Larry) Sumaya. James Joseph Suozzo. Colleen Supinski. Robert Sutcliffe. Selina Sutter. Claudia Suzette Sutton. John F. Swaine. Kristine M. Swearson. Brian D. Sweeney. Brian Edward Sweeney. Madeline Sweeney. Kenneth J. Swensen. Thomas F. Swift. Derek O. Sword. Kevin T. Szocik. Gina Sztejnberg. Norbert P. Szurkowski.

Harry Taback. Joann Tabeek. Norma C. Taddei. Michael Taddonio. Keiichiro Takahashi. Keiji Takahashi. Phyllis Gail Talbot. Robert R. Talhami. John Talignani. Sean Patrick Tallon. Paul Talty. Maurita Tam. Rachel Tamares. Hector Tamayo. Michael Andrew Tamuccio. Kenichiro Tanaka. Rhondelle Cherie Tankard. Michael Anthony Tanner. Dennis Gerard Taormina. Kenneth Joseph Tarantino. Allan Tarasiewicz. Michael C. Tarrou. Ronald Tartaro. Darryl Taylor. Donnie Brooks Taylor. Hilda E. Taylor. Leonard Taylor. Lorisa Ceylon Taylor. Maj. Kip P. Taylor. Michael M. Taylor. Sandra C. Taylor. Sandra Teague. Karl W. Teepe. Paul A. Tegtmeier. Yeshavant Moreshwar Tembe. Anthony Tempesta. Dorothy Temple. Stanley L. Temple. David Tengelin. Brian J. Terrenzi. Lisa Marie Terry. Goumatie T. Thackurdeen. Harshad Sham Thatte. Michael Theodoridis. Thomas F. Theurkauf. Lesley Anne Thomas. Brian T. Thompson. Capt. William Harry Thompson. Clive Thompson. Glenn Thompson. Nigel Bruce Thompson. Perry Anthony Thompson. Vanavah Alexi Thompson. Eric Raymond Thorpe. Nichola A. Thorpe. Sgt. Tamara Thurman. Sal Tieri. John Patrick Tierney. Mary Ellen Tiesi. William R. Tieste. Kenneth F. Tietjen. Stephen Edward Tighe. Scott C. Timmes. Michael E. Tinley. Jennifer M. Tino. Robert Frank Tipaldi. John J. Tipping. David Tirado. Hector Luis Tirado. Michelle Titolo. Alicia Nicole Titus. John J. Tobin. Richard J. Todisco. Lt. Cmdr. Otis Vincent Tolbert. Vladimir Tomasevic. Stephen K. Tompsett. Thomas Tong. Azucena de la Torre. Doris Torres. Luis Eduardo Torres. Amy E. Toyen. Christopher M. Traina. Daniel Patrick Trant. Abdoul Karim Traore. Glenn J. Travers. Walter (Wally) P. Travers. Felicia Traylor-Bass. James Trentini. Mary Trentini. Lisa L. Trerotola. Karamo Trerra. Michael Trinidad. Francis Joseph Trombino. Gregory J. Trost. Willie Q. Troy. William Tselepis. Zhanetta Tsoy. Michael Patrick Tucker. Lance Richard Tumulty. Ching Ping Tung. Simon James Turner. Donald Joseph Tuzio. Robert T. Twomey. Jennifer Tzemis.

John G. Ueltzhoeffer. Tyler V. Ugolyn. Michael A. Uliano. Jonathan J. Uman. Anil Shivhari Umarkar. Allen V. Upton. Diane Maria Urban.

John Damien Vaccacio. Bradley H. Vadas. William Valcarcel. Antonio Jesus Montoya Valdes. Mayra Valdes-Rodriguez. Felix Antonio Vale. Ivan Vale. Benito Valentin. Santos Valentin. Manuel Del Valle. Carlton Francis Valvo. Pendyala Vamsikrishna. Edward Raymond Vanacore. Jon C. Vandevander. Frederick T. Varacchi. Gopalakrishnan Varadhan. David Vargas. Scott C. Vasel. Azael Ismael Vasquez. Santos Vasquez. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald James Vauk. Arcangel Vazquez. Peter Anthony Vega. Sankara S. Velamuri. Jorge Velazquez. Lawrence Veling. Anthony M. Ventura. David Vera. Loretta A Vero. Christopher Vialonga. Matthew Gilbert Vianna. Robert A. Vicario. Celeste Torres Victoria. Joanna Vidal. John T. Vigiano. Joseph Vincent Vigiano. Frank J. Vignola. Joseph B. Vilardo. Sergio Villanueva. Chantal Vincelli. Melissa Vincent. Francine A. Virgilio. Lawrence Virgilio. Joseph G. Visciano. Joshua S. Vitale. Maria Percoco Vola. Lynette D. Vosges. Garo H. Voskerijian. Alfred Vukosa.

Gregory Wachtler. Lt. Col. Karen Wagner. Mary Wahlstrom. Honor Elizabeth Wainio. Gabriela Waisman. Wendy Alice Rosario Wakeford. Courtney Wainsworth Walcott. Victor Wald. Kenneth Waldie. Benjamin Walker. Glen J. Wall. Lt. Robert F. Wallace. Mitchel Scott Wallace. Peter G. Wallace. Roy Michael Wallace. Jean Marie Wallendorf. Matthew Blake Wallens. Meta L. Waller. John Wallice. Barbara P. Walsh. James Walsh. Jeffrey Patrick Walz. Ching H. Wang. Weibin Wang. Lt. Michael Warchola. Stephen Gordon Ward. Timothy Ward. James A. Waring. Brian G. Warner. Derrick Washington. Capt. Patrick J. Waters. Charles Waters. James Thomas (Muddy) Waters. Kenneth Watson. Michael H. Waye. Todd C. Weaver. Walter E. Weaver. Nathaniel Webb. Dinah Webster. William M. Weems. Joanne Flora Weil. Michael Weinberg. Steven Weinberg. Scott Jeffrey Weingard. Steven Weinstein. Simon Weiser. David M. Weiss. David T. Weiss. Vincent Michael Wells. Deborah Welsh. Timothy Matthew Welty. Christian Hans Rudolf Wemmers. Ssu-Hui (Vanessa) Wen. John Wenckus. Oleh D. Wengerchuk. Peter M. West. Whitfield West. Meredith Lynn Whalen. Eugene Whelan. Adam S. White. Edward James White. James Patrick White. John S. White. Kenneth W. White. Leonard Anthony White. Malissa White. Olga Kristin Gould White. Sandra L. White. Staff Sgt. Maudlyn A. White. Wayne White. Leanne Marie Whiteside. Mark Whitford. Leslie A. Whittington. Michael T. Wholey. Mary Lenz Wieman. Jeffrey David Wiener. William J. Wik. Alison Marie Wildman. Lt. Glenn Wilkinson. Ernest M. Willcher. John C. Willett. Brian Patrick Williams. Candace Lee Williams. Crossley Williams. David Williams. Deborah Lynn Williams. Kevin Michael Williams. Louie Anthony Williams. Louis Calvin Williams. Lt. Cmdr. David Lucian Williams. Maj. Dwayne Williams. Lt. John Williamson. Cynthia Wilson. Donna Wilson. William E. Wilson. David H. Winton. Glenn J. Winuk. Thomas Francis Wise. Alan L. Wisniewski. Frank T. Wisniewski. David Wiswall. Sigrid Charlotte Wiswe. Michael R. Wittenstein. Christopher W. Wodenshek. Martin P. Wohlforth. Katherine S. Wolf. Jennifer Y. Wong. Jenny Seu Kueng Low Wong. Siu Cheung Wong. Yin Ping (Steven) Wong. Yuk Ping Wong. Brent James Woodall. James J. Woods. Marvin R. Woods. Patrick Woods. Richard Herron Woodwell. Capt. David Terence Wooley. John Bentley Works. Martin Michael Wortley. Rodney James Wotton. William Wren. John Wright. Neil R. Wright. Sandra Wright.

Jupiter Yambem. John D. Yamnicky. Suresh Yanamadala. Vicki Yancey. Shuyin Yang. Matthew David Yarnell. Myrna Yaskulka. Shakila Yasmin. Olabisi L. Yee. Kevin Wayne Yokum. Edward P. York. Kevin Patrick York. Raymond York. Suzanne Youmans. Barrington L. Young. Donald McArthur Young. Edmond Young. Jacqueline (Jakki) Young. Lisa L. Young. Elkin Yuen.

Joseph Zaccoli. Adel Agayby Zakhary. Arkady Zaltsman. Edwin J. Zambrana. Robert Alan Zampieri. Mark Zangrilli. Christopher Zarba. Ira Zaslow. Kenneth Albert Zelman. Abraham J. Zelmanowitz. Martin Morales Zempoaltecatl. Zhe (Zack) Zeng. Marc Scott Zeplin. Jie Yao Justin Zhao. Yuguag Zheng. Ivelin Ziminski. Michael Joseph Zinzi. Charles A. Zion. Julie Lynne Zipper. Salvatore J. Zisa. Prokopios Paul Zois. Joseph J. Zuccala. Andrew Steven Zucker. Igor Zukelman.

Posted by Kyer at 10:13 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack


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Posted by Kyer at 09:43 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack


Posted by Kyer at 09:03 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack


Posted by Kyer at 08:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 09, 2006

Madrid bans "too-thin models" from fashion shows

Madrid bans too-thin models from catwalk

MADRID (AFP) - Excessively skinny fashion models will be barred from a major Madrid fashion show later this month for fear they could send the wrong message to young Spanish girls, local media reported.

Madrid's regional government, which is co-financing the Pasarela Cibeles, has vetoed around a third of the models who took part in last year's show because they weigh too little.

The authorities collaborated with a Spanish health organisation to come up with a minumum body mass -- a height-weight ratio -- of 18 for the models.

Spanish daily ABC said it was the first time such restrictions had been imposed on a fashion show, although a recent wedding dress exhibition in Barcelona banned fashion models who took a dress size below 38 (British size 10, US size eight).

Several models at last year's show provoked a row when they claimed their careers would be under threat if they put on weight.

Organisers said they wanted to "help ensure public opinion does not associate fashion, and fashion shows in particular, with an increase in anorexia, a disease which, along with bulimia, is considered ... as a mental and behavioural problem".

The event will take place on September 18-22.

That is fantastic news. Highly commendable action taken by the regional government of Madrid.

Though I am unfamiliar with what kind of magazines they have in Spain, I imagine the "Elle"s and "Vogue"s and other such titles like we have don't help the image perception of young girls either. But it's a definite start.

Good job.

Posted by Kyer at 10:53 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

September 08, 2006

Brad Pitt: Defender of Mankind

If you can guess whose list this item belongs to without clicking the link, you win... a... uh...cookie.

4. "The KKK lynched people for not raising the toilet seat back up. I won't sully the memories of their victims by towing the Klan line."

Update: By the way, link-hovering = cheating, putos.

Posted by Kyer at 07:40 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Bibleblogging: Psalm 27:11-14

Because you can never do enough Bibleblogging...

Psalm 27:11-14

Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Posted by Kyer at 11:07 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Bibleblogging: Psalm 100:3

Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Psalm 100:3

Posted by Kyer at 09:25 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 06, 2006

IQ: Iraqi government to take control of own armed forces Thursday!

Iraq to take control of armed forces

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq will take control of its armed forces command on Thursday, a major step on its painful path toward independence and an essential move before international troops can eventually withdraw.

[Obligatory usual media negativity deleted -- --ed.]

"This is such a huge, significant event that's about to occur tomorrow," U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said of the shift in the Iraqi command. "If you go back and you map out significant events that have occurred in this government's formation in taking control of the country, tomorrow is gigantic."

The highly anticipated ceremony, which will put the prime minister in direct control of the military, comes five days after it was originally scheduled. The government abruptly called off the original ceremony at the last minute.

The U.S. and the Iraqis did not publicly reveal many details of the disagreement, other than to say it was more procedural than substantive.

Awesome. Let us pray things go... well.... smoothly, to say the least.

Posted by Kyer at 06:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 05, 2006

On the death of Steve Irwin

I have wrestled with the thought of whether or not I should post my thoughts about Steve Irwin's tragic death for several hours today (I have no idea why for so long). I know what my initial reaction was, and it was not one of disbelief or of sorrow, but one of indifference.

Never having been an avid viewer of his television show (I can't even tell you what network it was on) I am not speaking from fan-based appreciation. The guy was a wildlife expert and highly succesful and influential conservationist --- two traits for which he has my respect. But let's be honest people, he was no Fred Rogers.

Do not get me wrong, Irwin's death was a tragedy, and I feel terrible for his wife and two young children. But let's get one thing straight people, whether the stringray is a "docile, harmless creature" or not, it is a wild animal.

After reading some of my blogger buddies' rather (almost overly) sympathetic and gushing reactions, I felt it was time for me to throw my hat in the ring.

"Survival expert" (whatever the heck that is) Ray Mears summed it up for me, more or less:

Mears said the Australian's death was a tragedy and his heart went out to his family.

But he added that it proved "some things in nature should be left alone".

He said: "He clearly took a lot of risks and television encouraged him to do that.

"It's a shame that television audiences need that to be attracted to wildlife.

"Dangerous animals, you leave them alone because they will defend themselves. Nature defends itself, it isn't all about hugging animals and going 'ahh'.

"It's wonderful to observe but you have to be sensible and maintain a safe distance."

Mears warned of the "gladiatorial" television of today and labelled some wildlife shows "voyeuristic".

He continued: "Television has become very gladiatorial and it's not healthy.

"The voyeurism we are seeing on television has a cost and it's that cost Steve Irwin's family are paying today."

And not to further (unintentionally) convey the idea that I'm some insensitive Alpha-Hotel prick, but the comedian Carlos Mencia really summed it up in his skit about Siegfred & Roy.

We all know Siegfred & Roy for their flamboyant wild "magic shows" with "tamed" tigers and the like.

Mencia's response to Roy's "incident"?

"They're F@#$%^&* tigers!" (paraphrase?)

Same thing with the manta ray. "Docile" creature or not, it's still a wild animal.

Again, my heart goes out to his family and friends, but no matter what the animal or the environment, everyone has to remember/realize --- Steve Irwin knew what he was getting into -- the wild.

Posted by Kyer at 12:24 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 04, 2006

"Disarm, or DIE."

Another Cox & Forkum gem:

Posted by Kyer at 03:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 01, 2006

67th Anniversary of "Case White" - The German Invasion of Poland

annika reminds us what began with Case White, on this day, 67 long years ago: the beginning of World War II in Europe.

There is no cosmic law that says we can't re-ignite the horrors of World War Two for a new generation [...]

If you were a European Jew, a Philipino, a Chinese or Russian peasant, even a lowly German or Soviet conscript, your life was a hell in the 1940's. All because a handful of world leaders could not, or would not, stop the juggernaut of fascism.

Sound words for today, to say the least.

Read the rest...

Posted by Kyer at 03:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Yury Savelyev's "Beslan: The Truth..." and the ensuing controversy...

(A Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty article on provides the following backdrop to the release of the report and later, AIA discusses the controversy surrounding it):

[...] the independent investigation of explosives expert Yury Savelyev, a member of Motherland (Rodina), veers sharply from the official explanation [expected to be released by the Kremlin later --ed.]. Excerpts of Savelyev's 700-page report were published yesterday in "Novaya gazeta" and on the website "Pravda-Beslana" (

"Pravda-Beslana" editor in chief Marina Litvinovich explained the main findings in an interview with RFE/RL's Russian Service.

"The main conclusion of Savelyev's report concerns the first explosions in the gymnasium on September 3, which set off of the storming of the school," Litvinovich said. "In his report, Yury Petrovich Savelyev [says he] found out that the first shots against the gymnasium were made from a certain weapon -- the first shot was made from an RPO-A thermobaric flame-thrower, or a similar weapon, and the second shot was made from an RShG-1 rocket-propelled grenade."

Savelyev told Russia's Ekho Moskvy radio station that his investigation was initially based on the premise that the first two explosions resulted from the hostage takers' homemade explosives. However, he said the scientific evidence simply did not support that scenario.

He said that in conducting his investigation he found that surviving hostages were talking about explosions in parts of the school other than those referred to by officials.

Savelyev concluded that the authorities decided to storm the school building, but wanted to create the impression they were acting in response to actions taken by the hostage takers. Thus, Savelyev believes, the military may have initiated the bloody conclusion to the siege.

"It is known where the shots were fired from," Litvinovich said. "The first shot was fired from a five-story building at 37 Shkolny Pereulok, the second shot was fired from 41 Shkolny Pereulok. Those buildings are adjacent to the school. Accordingly, it is also known where the shots were fired at. The first shot was fired at the gymnasium's attic above the hostages, and the second shot was fired under a gymnasium window. However, it remains unclear who exactly fired the shots, but this question is less important. The more important question is who ordered it."

However, while Pravda-Beslana editor Marina Litvinovich claims to cite Savelyev's conclusions, Axis Information and Analysis (AIA) seems to counter the said conclusions as officially belonging to Mr. Savelyev:
Daily Vzglyad specifies that in the report the member of the parliament has stated his version of the act of terror at a Beslan school and a number of mass media and online resources have hastened to name it different from the official viewpoint. AIA reported on Savleyev’s conclusions earlier yesterday.

Vzglyad claims Savelyev has confirmed that the content of his report had been obviously deformed by those writers. The paper refers to the online site Pravda Beslana (The Truth of Beslan) edited by the political analyst Marina Litvinovich, that had attributed to Savelyev a point of view that those are officials and siloviki, the security forces leadership, who were are guilty in an ostensibly provoked explosions in the Beslan school and subsequently the destruction of the majority of the Beslan hostages.

Vzglyad disagrees with the Pravda Beslana and alleges Savelyev himself has confirmed talking to the paper that his report might have been obviously deformed. In fact, Savelyev said to the Vzglyad that he had not familiarized with the conclusions made by Marina Litvinovich on the basis of his report and published on the online site Pravda Beslana. He said he had not read materials published on the site and did not know anything about them. Savelyev has reportedly told Vzglyad that he is not going to give any political and legal estimation of the actions of the security forces and officials in Beslan. However, he repeats that he has stated his point of view only on the basis of the technical expertise he had provided.

Some are dismissing Savelyev's report as nothing but a means for personal political gain,
Arkady Baskayev, a fellow member of the Duma's investigative commission, told Ekho Moskvy that Savelyev's conclusions are based on personal opinions that "do not match the actual events at all." He said expert examinations were carried out to determine the causes of the initial explosions, and that the scenario Savelyev's has forwarded was ruled out.
Meanwhile, the Beslan Mothers Committee, according to Beslan journalist Murat Kobyev, said,
"We have known for a long time that security services were to blame for killing many of the hostages. It does not matter whether they did it intentionally or unintentionally. But the Prosecutor-General's Office flatly refuses to listen to the testimony of eyewitnesses who saw it."
Though the truth may never be known, Savelyev's report is provided below for you to determine for yourselves. I will try to furnish a link (preferably in English!) to the Kremlin's official report when it is released sometime around the end of September.

- Russia: Independent Beslan Investigation Sparks Controversy
- Moscow newspaper claims different view on Beslan events does not exist
The following is a web-translated English version of Yury Savelyev's 700-page, six-part report investigating the September 2004 Beslan hostage crisis and the events surrounding it. It is titled, "Beslan: The Truth About the Hostages."

This is NOT all 700 pages in one file, rather, it is an live hyperlink-active INDEX web-translated from the original (Russian) document and saved in Microsoft Word format.

Click to download or view:

WK: "Beslan: The Truth About the Hostages."

Posted by Kyer at 12:10 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Beslan: L&S Archived Coverage

Stan's (Logic & Sanity) unbeatable liveblogging coverage from 2 years ago:

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Make sure you check out his archived posts here.

Posted by Kyer at 12:01 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
